Sally Beautista

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This professional is available for new clients.
This professional is available for new clients.
About me
I am a Hypnotherapist/Hypnoanalyst, EFT practitioner, IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapist), Reiki Master and Teacher and Rahanni Celestial Healer.
I specialise in anxiety and stress disorders including fears, panic attacks, phobias, trauma, confidence and self esteem and many more emotional problems including unwanted habits and addictions.
I am a gastric-band-hypnosis practitioner. I provide gastric band hypnosis in a 4 session package. This can also be converted into a weight loss package if you either do not qualify for gastric band (i.e. BMI below 30) or if you would rather not have this procedure.
I have a fantastic session for Stop Smoking that is very successful.
If you want to stop drinking alcohol because it has become a problem for you, I have had great success with a one session approach. This has worked in 2 out of 3 cases. The session lasts for around 90 to 100 minutes and costs £197.00. If you are in the minority where it doesn't work in one session, a follow up session will cost £50.00. Of course, I can also help you to moderate alcohol if you don't want to stop completely. I would suggest one to three sessions at my normal session cost of £85.00 for this.
This session is not for someone who is an alcoholic. Although it may well work, more sessions would usually be needed for someone who is totally dependent on alcohol which would usually include deeper regression work.
I like to work with clients who want to be more confident and realise their fullest potential. This also includes help with public speaking and social phobias.
I also help with fertility issues having trained with Sharon Mustard of
I can combine the different therapies when this is needed.
I am friendly, supportive and non-judgemental.
Initial Free Consultation
I offer an initial free consultation if the problem presented requires prior discussion. This can be via the telephone, email or in person. This gives you the chance to find out more about hypnosis and the other therapies I offer plus anything else that you need clarification about. You are then in a better position to decide whether to start therapy with me.
Hypnoanalysis - Regression to Childhood Memories
Clients who come with issues such as low self esteem, anxiety, stress, panic attacks, phobias, depression etc., will greatly benefit from Hypnoanalysis. This is a therapy that takes you back into your childhood memories where you tell me everything you remember. As this is during hypnosis, you will remember many things and some of them will trigger a release of trapped emotions. This release of repressed emotions has the effect of freeing you from past traumas big and small. It takes between 8 and 12 sessions although everyone is individual and the exact number cannot be guessed. When the process is over, clients often say that they feel like a new person with a new lease of life. They feel happier and more confident and now enjoy life, often for the first time. It really is an impressive therapy.
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) (Tapping)
I also give Emotional Freedom Technique sessions on Skype and in person. EFT is effective for all kinds of trauma and disturbing memories as well as for letting go of unwanted thoughts, feelings and cravings. EFT can be learnt easily and used between sessions as and when needed. Because of this, clients can have control over their emotions and, therefore, their lives.
Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT)
I am a Certified Practitioner of Integral Eye Movement Therapy. IEMT is similar to EMDR which is used within the NHS but it is different. It can help with more issues than PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). IEMT has been used effectively with issues such as depression, phobias, sadness, addictions, psoriasis, insomnia, guilt issues, shame, anxiety, eating disorders, stress. It can help in situations where there are intrusive thoughts, feelings and flashbacks. It is a quick change therapy - change can happen in the blink of an eye! It is not necessary that you share all the details of your problem with me if you wish as this therapy can be done content free.
Usui/Karuna Reiki Healing and Rahanni Celestial Healing
I am an Usui/Karuna Reiki healer and you can have a relaxing treatment in my peaceful therapy room. I am also a Rahanni Celestial Healer.
Usui Reiki Courses - All Levels
I also offer Usui Reiki Courses. A Manual, CD and/or DVD are supplied together with a beautiful Certificate. I teach the original Japanese style of Reiki as taught by Reiki Evolution and I am a 'Trained by Reiki Evolution' Teacher. Students will also learn Western techniques such as self treatments and giving treatments to others.
Reiki I and II are short day courses and Reiki Master is two days. Please see below for details of fees for Reiki Courses. Courses start at 12 pm till 6.00 pm. Students will receive their manual and CD about 2 weeks before the course so that they can study the course prior to the workshop. This allows us to enjoy the day with no need to make notes as it is all written down for you. You have the time to explore and experience Reiki Healing energies, do wonderful meditations to feel the energy and receive the attunements so that you will always be able to use Reiki for self healing, distant healing and for helping others to heal.
Please email or call me for further information.
I see clients up to 19.30 on weekdays (I have an after-work appointment slot of 18.30 hrs.)
My Reiki Courses usually take place on the weekend but a weekday is sometimes a possibility.
Training, qualifications & experience
- Diploma in Hypnoanalysis (advanced) January 2009 at the Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis
- Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis with Psychotherapy January 2009 at EICH
- AAMET Approved Tutor Level 2 - Certified as Practitioner of Meridian Therapies (EFT) 11.3.2009 at the Emotional Freedom Technique Training Academy, London with Judy Byrne.
- Certified Practitioner of IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy) with John Martin Moore in September 2014.
- Usui Reiki Master qualification in 2004 with Taggart King of Reiki Evolution.
- Karuna Reiki Master 11.9.2004 with William Lee Rand of The International Center for Reiki Training.
- Violet Flame Reiki Master 22.6.2004 with Denise McSpadden of Guided Light Therapies
- Kundalini Reiki Master 14.5.2005 with Denise McSpadden
I have attended many specialist courses and details of these can be found on my website under 'ABOUT' at the top of the page
- Member of the Association for Professional Hypnosis & Psychotherapy - MAPHP (Acc.)
- Member of UKCHO (Umbrella organisation for Hypnotherapy Associations)
- Member of The National Register of Psychotherapists & Counsellors (NRPC)
- Member of Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) *
Registered Number 000424-L10 - Membership of CNHC can only be attained if the hypnotherapist has undergone training to the highest standard.
* Recognised by GP Surgeries, NHS services and also clients can use their Private Health Insurance to see a CNHC registered hypnotherapist.
I am registered with PruHealth (renamed Vitality) for Hypnotherapy. Please check your private insurance provider to see whether they will cover you to see me.
It is advisable to check that your health insurance provider pays for visits to a hypnotherapist who is registered with CNHC. Some do but others only pay for those who are aligned to their organisation.
- Member of The Reiki Association
- Member of The Association for IEMT Practitioners
Member organisations
school Registered / Accredited
Being registered/accredited with a professional body means an individual must have achieved a substantial level of training and experience approved by their member organisation.

Each member of APHP has received thorough training in hypnosis and hypnotherapy, is competent and conscientious, and abides strictly by a code of ethics.
There are four grades of membership: Licentiate (LAPHP), Registered Member (MAPHP), Accredited Member (MAPHP(acc.)) and Fellow (FAPHP), with the different categories standing for different levels of training and experience.
The Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy is a member organisation of UKCHO (an umbrella body for the hypnotherapy profession in the United Kingdom).

The CNHC encompasses many types of alternative therapy, including hypnotherapy.
In order to be admitted to the register a practitioner must have studied to the National Occupational Standards for that profession/discipline, or have reached the equivalent of the National Occupational Standards through other relevant training or at least three years of experience and been assessed by their peers.
A practitioner must also have professional insurance and agree to abide by the CNHC Code of Conduct, Performance and Ethics.
Accredited register membership

The Accredited Register Scheme was set up in 2013 by the Department of Health (DoH) as a way to recognise organisations that hold voluntary registers which meet certain standards. These standards are set by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).
This therapist has indicated that they belong to an Accredited Register.

Areas of hypnotherapy I deal with
info Information about health conditions (*)
Hypnotherapy can enhance the well-being of individuals diagnosed with serious medical conditions, but should not take the place of medical treatment and advice. If you have been diagnosed with - or suspect you may have - any of these conditions, please speak to your doctor before starting hypnotherapy.
Other areas of hypnotherapy I deal with
- Trauma (PTSD)
- Childrens problems
- Adult cancer care
- Sports Performance
- Public Speaking
- Nail biting
- Gastric band hypnotherapy
- Hypno band weight loss
- Gastric-band-hypnosis
- Fears
- Phobias
- Panic Attacks
- Unwanted Habits
- Fertility issues - trained with
- Hypnoanalysis (Regression into Childhood using Free Association)
- Integral Eye Movement Therapy
Therapies offered
£85.00 per session
Free initial in-person session
Health Insurance/EAP
Additional information
For all sessions of Hypnotherapy, Hypnoanalysis, EFT and IEMT I charge £85 per session (50 - 60 minutes) (*Concessionary price is £65) with the exception of:-
Stop Smoking session which costs £197 and lasts between 90 - 100 minutes (Stop Smoking mp3 or CD included).
Stop Alcohol session £197 - lasts about 90 minutes.
Gastric Band Hypnosis sessions at £450.00 (4 sessions including gastric band hypnosis operation). You can also have 4 sessions of Weight Loss Hypnosis for *£450.00.
* This is payable in advance of the first hypnosis session.
BONUS SESSION OFFERED! If you start your gastric band hypnosis sessions before the end of March 2023, you can have one extra hypnosis session to deal with anything that needs improvement in your life. It can include confidence, self esteem, anxieties, enjoying exercise or any other issue that you find is getting in the way of you becoming the healthy slim person you desire to be.
*Concessions for senior citizens and students are available - please ask.
Reiki healing is £70 per hour. Rahanni Celestial Healing £50 for 40 minutes.
Please note that some concessions are available and payment plans can be agreed if required.
These are my Reiki Course Fees:
Usui Reiki I £125 inc. Manual, CD and Certificate
Usui Reiki II £160 inc. Manual CD and Certificate
Usui Reiki Master £400 inc. Manual, CD, DVD and Certificate
When I work
Monday to Friday 14.00 to 19.30. Some Weekends by Appointment for Usui Reiki Courses - all levels.
Further information
Regarding Reiki Courses:
I supply the Manual, CD and/or DVD in advance of the course. This allows us to concentrate on the practical aspects of using Reiki energy on the day of the course since the student has been able to read and prepare before the course commences. This constitutes around 1 day and a half of pre-course study.
These items can either be picked up from me at least one week before the course commences and a deposit of £30.00 is required or they can be sent to you by first class post for £35.00 which includes an extra fee of £5.00 for postage and packing/handling charge.