Suggestion hypnotherapy

Written by Katherine Nicholls
Katherine Nicholls
Hypnotherapy Directory Content Team

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When people use the term ‘hypnotherapy’ they’re often describing suggestion hypnotherapy (also referred to as traditional hypnotherapy). Here we will explore how suggestion is used in this approach and how it can help.

What is suggestion hypnotherapy?

Suggestion hypnotherapy is the basis for most hypnotherapy approaches. It uses the power of suggestion on our subconscious to facilitate change.  

Hypnotherapist Lizzie Smith explains more about suggestion hypnotherapy and how it may benefit you. 

Hypnosis itself is a state of mind that we all naturally fall into from time to time. Those moments when you’re staring into space, your mind wanders or you are fully focused on something are all examples of a hypnotic state. According to brain scans, people undergoing hypnosis show a shift in brainwave activity from a Beta state to Alpha or Theta states. This is similar to the way the brain behaves during meditation or deep relaxation.

When our minds are in this state, our subconscious (also known as the unconscious) is more open to suggestion. Our subconscious is the part of the mind that we’re not aware of but influences our thoughts and behaviours.

The hypnotherapist offers suggestions during this state to help alter thought patterns. This technique is ideal for changing habits, overcoming anxiety and reducing stress.

How do suggestions work in hypnotherapy?

Suggestions in hypnotherapy aim to influence your subconscious positively. You might think of a suggestion as the seed of an idea. Hypnotherapists plant these seeds which then grow new thought patterns and/or change any unhelpful ones.

The suggestions made will depend on why you are seeking hypnotherapy. For example, if you are struggling with anxiety, your hypnotherapist can use suggestions to encourage a change in anxious thought patterns. They may suggest to your subconscious that you let go of worries easily or that you can cope with stressful situations. If these suggestions are accepted, you may notice a change in how you react to situations that previously triggered anxiety.

What is an example of a suggestion in hypnotherapy?

While the exact suggestion used will depend on what you're seeking support for and your hypnotherapist, here are some examples of what suggestions sound like in hypnotherapy:

  • "With every passing day, you trust yourself more and believe in yourself."
  • "Sleep comes to you easily and every morning you wake feeling refreshed."
  • "When a stressful situation arises, you feel calm, confident and in control."

Will suggestion hypnotherapy work for me?

It’s important at this point to highlight that some people are naturally more susceptible to suggestion than others. Other factors contribute to success in hypnotherapy too, such as: 

  • your willingness to undergo hypnosis
  • your advocacy of the process
  • your trust in the therapist

Hypnotherapy can feel like magic at times, but it is not in fact ‘magic’. It is a form of therapy that, like many other types, relies on work from both the client and the hypnotherapist.

Being at ease with your therapist is paramount. The more relaxed you are and confident in your therapist's abilities, the more likely it is that you’ll be in the right state to receive suggestions. If all the right factors are in place, hypnotherapy can be effective for almost anyone. Those who may benefit from different approaches include those with symptoms of psychosis.

Suggestion techniques, in particular, are well suited to those looking to change a habit, behaviour or way of thinking. Depending on the concern, you may be recommended to pair hypnotherapy with counselling/psychotherapy. The two can work very well together, especially on deep-seated behaviours.

What is suggestion hypnotherapy used for?

Suggestion techniques can be used for a wide range of concerns, but the most common include:

  • anxiety, fears and phobias
  • sleep disorders
  • stress
  • low self-confidence and low self-esteem
  • quitting habits like smoking
  • weight loss
  • tinnitus

When used alongside other approaches, like counselling, it can also help with relationship difficulties, depression and other mental health concerns.

My own experience has taught me the power of suggestion and the incredible capacity of our minds to heal our bodies. Hypnotherapy has not only granted me the gift of sleep but has also opened my eyes to new possibilities for personal growth and well-being.

- Amy's experience.

How does hypnosis feel?

Hypnosis should be a relaxing, tranquil and positive experience. Many people expect to be put into a trance and not know what’s happening around them. While everyone experiences hypnosis differently, most will be fully aware of what’s happening around them during the session. The key thing to remember is that you will always be in control.

If you wanted to, at any stage you could get up and walk away. Hypnosis is often likened to that feeling when you’re not fully asleep, but not fully awake yet either. Those lovely few minutes before you open your eyes and wake up, but are fully aware of any sounds or movements around you.

Your hypnotherapist should put you at ease and make the process an enjoyable one. Some people struggle to recall exactly what took place during their session, whereas others remember everything. This will depend on the depth of your trance.

Afterwards, many say they feel the same as before, just more relaxed. The effect of the session may be immediate or may take some time to manifest. Depending on the reason you’re seeking hypnotherapy, you may need more sessions.

Often, the hypnotherapist will share some self-hypnosis techniques with you so you can continue your work in the comfort of your own home.

What is clinical hypnotherapy?

Sometimes people use the term ‘clinical hypnotherapy’ when describing hypnotherapy. This is where a person receives hypnotherapy from a qualified hypnotherapist with a healthcare background. In the UK, hypnotherapists are not required to have any specific training by law, but a clinical hypnotherapist is a licensed professional who will use hypnotherapy to treat a range of medical and psychological conditions.

Hypnotherapy is an altered state of consciousness. Clinical hypnosis or hypnotherapy, therefore, uses this altered state of consciousness (or trance) as a therapeutic treatment, meaning that people aren’t treated with hypnotherapy, but treated in hypnotherapy.

Clinical hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis and other techniques to treat a variety of medical and psychological issues. It is an integrative field of study, meaning that it is formed of different elements from a range of therapies. These can include cognitive psychology, behavioural psychology, EMDR and NLP.

According to the London College of Clinical Hypnosis, “The whole object of clinical hypnosis is to take back control that has been lost and which has, therefore, resulted in the symptom or problem”.

How to find a hypnotherapist

Most health professionals who practice clinical hypnotherapy are registered with a professional body and are regulated by the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). The British Society of Clinical Hypnosis (BSCH) is a national professional body, whose aim is to promote and assure high standards in the practice of hypnotherapy. Membership with the BSCH may vary, as there are various categories available, each of which encompasses a different level of training and experience.

We encourage all members to include as much information as possible within their profile, to help you learn how they work and if they are right for you. All professionals must meet the terms of our proof policy before being listed as members of Hypnotherapy Directory.

If you have further questions about suggestion hypnotherapy, or you want to book an initial consultation, we would recommend using our search tool to find a hypnotherapist near you. You can then read through their profile to gain a better understanding of how they work and contact them with any queries or to book an appointment.

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