Local events


"I am slim" mind detox hypnosis event

Bishopton, Renfrewshire Open to all

13th, 14th or 15th September 2016. Event commences at 7pm until 10pm.This is a three hour event limited to 40 guests per evening to keep this evening relatively intimate. Looking at emotional, deep ro...


Self-hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and mind calm meditation workshops

Penryn Open to all

Self-hypnosis is a technique that with practice can help you to create relief for many physical, psychological and emotional conditions. NLP means neuro-linguistic programming which describes the fun...


Relax, release, revive and refresh

Parbold, Wigan Open to all

Ran every Wednesday evening 7pm-9pm except school holidays, at Parbold Village Hall. We will be focusing on mindfulness and looking at different types of meditation. We will begin with the Donna Eden...


Introduction to weight management workshops

Chester Le Street, Co Durham Open to all

Free, introductory workshop and initial therapy session for weight loss. An evening workshop lasting about two hours. Final dates and venue will be to suit the applicants based around the region...


Free hypnotherapy for Manchester and London attack victims!

London Open to all

Rebecca is offering free clinical hypnotherapy sessions to victims of the London and Manchester terror attacks. Please get in touch for more information. info@paris-st-cloud.com www.paris-st-cloud....


Weight loss group

Erskine Open to all

For anyone who has struggled to lose or keep their weight down. This course is not a diet and is not about will-power! Many clients find that a diet or even several diets simply don't work in the lon...


Introduction to mindful relaxation

Wellington, Telford Open to all

Mindfulness is a wonderful way to learn to relax and it can also help with many physical and emotional disorders including depression, anxiety, pain and stress. How will it benefit me? Regularly pra...


Relaxation and daily awareness

London, County (optional) Open to all

This is a four sessions workshop which takes place in North Finchley every Saturday from 3.00pm to 4.30 pm. Participants will learn: How to stay in the present Relaxation techniques Self-hypnosi...


Guided relaxation group

Orpington Open to all

These 60 minute guided relaxation sessions are designed to help in the following areas: Reduce stress/anxiety. Feel calmer. Switch off. Sleep better. Feel more positive. If you could do with...


Calm minds workshops

Telford Open to all

These weekly well-being workshops include mindfulness, relaxation and emotional resilience strengthening. The aim of the workshops is to give you the opportunity to relax and rejuvenate mind, body and...


How to beat anxiety and addiction fast!

London Open to all

Harley Street Therapy Clinic How to beat anxiety and addiction fast! A free monthly event in London for therapists, GP's, practitioners and the general public alike. Learn how to combat anxiety, tr...


Anxiety and stress management

London Open to all

How to beat stress, anxiety and depression A free monthly event in London for therapists, GP's, practitioners and the general public alike. Learn how to combat anxiety, stress, and depression simp...