Types of hypnotherapy

Last updated 8th April 2024 | Next update due 8th April 2027

If you're interested in trying hypnotherapy, it can be helpful to learn more about the different types of hypnotherapy available. You can then use our advanced search tool to find a hypnotherapist who offers this type of therapy, read their profile and get in touch.


Brain Working Recursive Therapy is a relatively new model of psychology that runs in line with the latest thinking in neuroscience. It's an evidence-based, solution-focused approach that aims to re-route the messages sent by the brain during times of panic or stress, replacing the negative responses with positive ones.

BWRT® can be used to help with a variety of compulsive and addictive behaviours, PTSD, phobias, anxiety, stress, OCD, grief, sports and business performance, and food cravings.

Cognitive hypnotherapy

Cognitive hypnotherapy incorporates hypnosis to help ‘update’ the subconscious in line with the conscious and its understanding of reality.

The technique draws influence from a range of theories and combines them so that they fall in line with the client’s personal goals, values and needs. Cognitive hypnotherapy can be used for many concerns but is particularly helpful for phobias and anxiety.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

EFT is a therapy which works with the body’s subtle energy system to bring about positive changes in physical, emotional and behavioural issues. It is believed that the body has a network of energy pathways called meridians, and by ‘tapping’ near the endpoints of the meridians, we can promote emotional and physical healing.

Ericksonian hypnotherapy

Milton Erickson was a psychiatrist who specialised in family therapy and medical hypnosis. His work is cited as being revolutionary in the hypnotherapy industry and his approach is now used by a growing number of hypnotherapists.

Differing from other forms, Ericksonian hypnotherapy uses indirect suggestion and storytelling to alter behaviour. This type of hypnotherapy may appeal to those who are looking for a different approach or even those who have tried and disliked traditional forms of hypnotherapy.

Havening Techniques®

Havening Techniques® are a surprisingly simple set of techniques for resolving trauma and negative emotions and building up inner strengths and resources. Based on the healing power of touch - gentle stroking of the upper arms, face and palms of the hand - Havening systematically uses these natural behaviours to reduce and even remove negative emotions and create positive ones.


This is an integrative approach, where hypnosis is used alongside another branch of psychotherapy (such as psychodynamic, Humanist, Gestalt or mindfulness). Professionals who offer this form of therapy will have training in both hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. Hypno-psychotherapy can be used to look at more deep-seated issues and may be helpful for those who feel they would benefit from more intensive work.


Drawing on concepts from analytical psychotherapy, hypnoanalysis looks to identify a ‘cause’ or ‘trigger event’ that has led to the current problem you’re facing. By identifying the root cause, the hypnotherapist helps to reduce negative associations and resolve the resulting issues.

The process often takes several sessions, allowing you and your therapist to build a relationship and work together in a safe, trusting environment.  

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Not a type of hypnotherapy, but another technique that hypnotherapists often employ within their practice. NLP is a learning model devised by Dr Richard Bandler and John Grinder and looks to help people help themselves reach a state of ‘excellence, happiness and state of mind’. 

Past life regression

Practitioners of this technique believe we all have past lives and use hypnosis to help recover these memories. It is hoped that these memories can reveal why you are struggling with a certain issue in this life and explain who you are now. This therapy is holistic and works with the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Past life regression may be useful if you feel you are stuck on a certain issue or find that something keeps coming back into your life.

Rapid Transformational Therapy®

Created by Marisa Peer, a leading celebrity therapist and pioneering hypnotherapist trainer, RTT® combines elements from different approaches to create a kind of therapy that offers quick results. Rapid Transformational Therapy® is a complete, solution-focused approach, helping to address the root cause of issues, rather than current symptoms that may be troubling you. 

Rapid Transformational Therapy® therapists aim to teach you how to communicate with your subconscious mind, helping you to access and address any issues that may be causing unwanted behaviour or reactions, or could be holding you back. Others have found it can also help them to boost their confidence and performance in sports, performing arts, and within their careers, as well as achieving an overall improved sense of well-being.


Self-hypnosis is when you perform hypnosis on yourself. It involves going into a state of deep relaxation where our subconscious is more open to suggestion. Typically, then you listen to suggestion statements or affirmations, or you repeat these aloud to yourself. Self-hypnosis aims to reinforce new habits and change any unhelpful behaviour or thought patterns.

Some hypnotherapists will record audio tracks for you to listen to, to practice self-hypnosis. If you are already working with them on an issue, they may teach you specific self-hypnosis techniques to enhance the work you do with them in the session.

Solution-focused hypnotherapy

This form of hypnotherapy focuses on the here and now, looking at your current situation and how you would like your future to look. Solution-focused hypnotherapy is client-centred, meaning that you take the lead in your sessions with your hypnotherapist guiding you.

Goal setting is key and questioning techniques are often used to help you uncover the solution to whatever challenge you’re facing. The core belief is that you have inner strength and resources to draw upon to help yourself, with the hypnotherapist acting as a facilitator.

Suggestion hypnotherapy

Suggestion techniques are employed within most types of hypnotherapy. The premise behind hypnosis is that when we are in a hypnotic state, our subconscious is more open to suggestions. Suggestions are offered by the hypnotherapist during this state to help alter thought patterns. This technique is ideal for changing habits, overcoming anxiety and reducing stress.

Time Line Therapy™

Deriving from NLP, Time Line Therapy™ is based on the premise that our memories are stored in a linear pattern (a timeline). Timeline therapists use different techniques to help you release limiting beliefs and negative emotions linked to past experiences.

While this approach can be used for a variety of concerns, it is thought to be especially useful for those struggling with depression, anxiety and stress.

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