Clem Turner

Every professional displayed on Hypnotherapy Directory has been independently verified by our team to ensure they have suitable credentials to practise.
This professional is available for new clients.
This professional is available for new clients.
About me
Our Practice offers a range of techniques and treatments to help our clients, either face to face or on Zoom. Our treatments include: Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy (HCBT).
After an initial consultation we will tailor a treatment to suit the individual person. We can help with: Anxiety, Panic, Stress, PTSD, Fears and Phobias, Weight loss, Pain Management, Smoking Cessation, Anger Management, Confidence Issues, Public Speaking, IBS, Working with Children and many more.
Our Specialities include:
I have specialized in Stress, Anxiety, Panic Attacks and PTSD since 2004. Our practice offers a full Anxiety, Stress and Panic Attack Treatment Programme on a one to one basis. Many people have been successfully treated with our unique programme – see our testimonials on the home page of our website:
In many cases even clients with extreme anxiety are able to get back to work in just a few weeks of having treatment at our Practice.
Our practice also specializes in Weight Management and we offer our clients a very successful 5 week Weight Management Programme .
Pain Management is also one of our specialties. We not only use Hypnotherapy to help our clients but also Hypnoisetherapy. We are fully qualified practitioners in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
We also specialize in Working with Children and Adolescents, and have designed our own protocol which deals with many different children’s issues such as anger, fear, social anxiety etc. Clem is also a provider for The Listening Programme which helps children with learning difficulties.
We also run CPD Training Courses and Workshops for fully qualified Hypnotherapists - visit our website for more details: Hypnotherapy Training Courses • Clem & Margaret Turner Therapy (
Training, qualifications & experience
We are both qualified Clinical Hypnotherapists and a senior members of the General Hypnotherapy Register, the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council. Clem is an Accredited Member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy, the UK Register for IBS therapists, The National Register for Hypnotherapists, the NHS Directory for Complementary and Alternative Practitioners and the Register for Evidence Based Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy.
Our practice also uses treatments such as Emotional Freedom Technique, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypno Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
Clem offers accredited Supervision sessions for qualified Hypnotherapists who are members of the General Hypnotherapy Register. Supervision can either be by one to one sessions or Zoom.
Member organisations
school Registered / Accredited
Being registered/accredited with a professional body means an individual must have achieved a substantial level of training and experience approved by their member organisation.

The National Council for Hypnotherapy holds one of the largest registers of independent Hypnotherapists in the United Kingdom and strives to maintain the highest standards among its members.
There is an agreed Code of Conduct, an established Complaints & Disciplinary Procedure and all members are obliged to maintain comprehensive Public Liability & Professional Indemnity Insurance, maintain regular CPD (continuing professional development) hours, and attend Supervision when needed.

Hypnotherapists may become members of the General Hypnotherapy Register if they satisfy certain criteria with regard to both training and ongoing requirements as determined from time to time by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC).
Members are either registered at Practitioner status (which confirms that the GHR acknowledges their qualification to practice), or Affiliate status. Although Affiliate level registrants will have completed a sufficient number of training hours to equip them to commence seeing clients on a limited basis, the GHR does not acknowledge them to have yet been trained to full practitioner level.
All GHR Registered Practitioners are required to accept the published Code of Ethics and Complaints & Disciplinary Procedure.
Areas of hypnotherapy I deal with
info Information about health conditions (*)
Hypnotherapy can enhance the well-being of individuals diagnosed with serious medical conditions, but should not take the place of medical treatment and advice. If you have been diagnosed with - or suspect you may have - any of these conditions, please speak to your doctor before starting hypnotherapy.
Other areas of hypnotherapy I deal with
Working with Children and Adolescents
Upcoming events
Free initial telephone session
Additional information
Please telephone 07958689377 for more details and to find out about the cost of our treatments.
When I work
We are flexible with opening hours, please call us for an appointment 01623 556234
Further information
Our Training School for Therapists:
Our Practice regularly runs a variety of different CPD Training Workshops and Courses for Qualified Hypnotherapists teaching subjects from Anxiety and Pain Management to Mindfulness and weight management, plus many more. Please see our website for details: