John Dewar

Every professional displayed on Hypnotherapy Directory has been independently verified by our team to ensure they have suitable credentials to practise.
This professional is available for new clients.
This professional is available for new clients.
About me
After many years of helping people overcome issues, my role now is to help you become a great and confident Hypnotherapist. Then you can help people just as I do and enjoy a new career.
Although I am now retired from the treatment part of the business I am happy for you to contact me as I can then refer you to a Hypnotherapist I personally trained.Please call me to discuss your requirement.
An alternative to reading all this is to watch the three videos on my web site.Much easier.
Check on my web site for any special offers.
My background is General Management. For many years I faced the fears, such as making a presentation or speaking in public, dealing with stressful situations and suffering the effects of stress without knowing what it was and what caused it.
My two adult children are also Hypnotherapists, one living in Perth Australia and one on the French Riviera near Bandol.
My interest in Hypnotherapy began after my wife Lorna visited a Hypnotherapist to deal with an issue and the change was remarkable if not astonishing.
Lorna would be happy to talk to you face to face about how she benefited from Hypnotherapy.
About me now
I have been a certified Hypnotherapist for many years and have helped many clients make major positive changes to their lives. Working with people to overcome debilitating issues gives a great deal of "job" satisfaction.
Some of these issues are listed next and include but not limited too, Agoraphobia, Anorexia, Alcohol Abuse, Anger, Anxiety, Bereavement,Blushing,Bruxism or Teeth Grinding, Confidence, Drug Problems, Depression, Emotional Issues, E.D. (Erectile Dysfunction) Exam Nerves,,Fears, Fear of Flying, IBS, OCD, Panic Attacks, Phobias, PTSD, Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Smoking, Self Control, Self Esteem, Sexual Issues, Weight loss including "Hypnotic Gastric Band", to name but a few.
I specialise on some issues, call me for details. Essential/Action Tremors is one example of my chosen areas of specialism.
If you suffer from PTSD (Diagnosed by doctor) and are or have been in military service and or emergency services then visit my web site for details of FREE treatment for PTSD only.
My interest is now focused on training others to do the same.
You can read reviews about me and the quality of the training on my Google Places page, just click the link on my web site.
What is Hypnosis?
We all go into a trance like state every day. Remember the car journey you forgot to remember.How did I get here? Your sub-conscious took over! Sometimes we refer to this state as being on "auto pilot", when in fact you have been in a trance-like state and immediately snap out of it if something untoward happens. Hypnosis can be traced back to the ancient Babylonians, Greeks and Egyptians and is named after the Greek word for sleep - Hypnos. In Hypnosis sleep does not mean the same as we understand our bedtime sleep to be.A good way to think of Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and focus.You are in control not the Hypnotist. As you can go into this trance state, so you can come out of it whenever you want. When your conscious mind relaxes and becomes detached from everyday worries, then your subconscious mind can commence doing its wonderful work in its own wonderful way,free from interuptions and sabotage from your conscious mind. This relaxed state is known as trance.
Training School
My training school is validated/accredited by the GHSc since 2006 and is validated/accredited to the GHRs highest Practitioner Grade. Re-validated in 2015.
In addition I offer Advanced Specialist training to Hypnotherapists who wish to further their knowledge. Examples of these are Weight including Gastric Banding, Smoking Cessation, Alcohol Control, Emotional Resolution, covering Phobias, Negative Emotions and more, Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing EMDR, Age Regression, Parts Therapy & Rapid Inductions and Deepeners, Unexplained Infertility.
Refresher courses are available.
I run Group Supervision sessions. Face to face and on-line.
Training events are held in Warwickshire, Mallorca Spain, Canary Islands, Scotland and various locations in the Uk.
Training, qualifications & experience
I hold the senior qualification SQHP awarded by the GHSc.
With further Diploma qualifications at Master Practitioner grade in Hypnosis, Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP, EMDR and Stress Management Consultancy.
The following letters are used to show my credentials.
- D.M.H.
- D.Hyp
- Dip SMC
I have many years of experience of working with clients on many types of issues from Anxiety to Essential Tremors to Fertility, from Phobias to Stop Smoking and from Teeth Grinding to Vertigo.
Member organisations
school Registered / Accredited
Being registered/accredited with a professional body means an individual must have achieved a substantial level of training and experience approved by their member organisation.

Hypnotherapists may become members of the General Hypnotherapy Register if they satisfy certain criteria with regard to both training and ongoing requirements as determined from time to time by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC).
Members are either registered at Practitioner status (which confirms that the GHR acknowledges their qualification to practice), or Affiliate status. Although Affiliate level registrants will have completed a sufficient number of training hours to equip them to commence seeing clients on a limited basis, the GHR does not acknowledge them to have yet been trained to full practitioner level.
All GHR Registered Practitioners are required to accept the published Code of Ethics and Complaints & Disciplinary Procedure.
Areas of hypnotherapy I deal with
info Information about health conditions (*)
Hypnotherapy can enhance the well-being of individuals diagnosed with serious medical conditions, but should not take the place of medical treatment and advice. If you have been diagnosed with - or suspect you may have - any of these conditions, please speak to your doctor before starting hypnotherapy.
Other areas of hypnotherapy I deal with
"Essential" or "Action" Tremors If you have this debilitating issue, then you could consider Hypnotherapy to help you resolve it and get your life back on track. I understand how this affects you and how it limits your ability to do "normal" everyday things.Give me a call and we can chat it through without any obligation to proceed further.
OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder I have many years of experience dealing with this issue. No need to continue living your life with this difficulty. If you can change your mind you can change your life. Call me and have a chat, no obligation on either party.
Insomnia What is preventing you from sleeping? There is nothing to beat a good nights sleep and with some help you could be resting peacefully for as long as you wish. Call me for a no obligation chat.
Low Self Esteem and/or Low Self Worth. Do you stay at home?. Have you almost stopped socialising or do you avoid meeting friends?. Do you feel you do not deserve something? Do you feel you are not worthy?
Panic Attacks. Do you fear something and flip out on occasions? Do you avoid doing something?
Your friends do not understand. You don't know why. However I do understand and can help you find the cause.
Weight Reduction and Weight Management Every person has the potential to be the size the would like to be. What is it that causes you to eat so much? What is it that prevents you from making a significant change? Have you been on many diets and "failed"?. Hypnosis can help you uncover the cause and then help you change your relationship with food and eating.
Smoking There are only two types of people who smoke, the poor and the stupid! A bit tongue in cheek but perhaps worth thinking about.
No one needs to smoke anymore than you need to learn how to shoe horses, we are in the 21st century and health warnings fly at us from every direction and yet you still smoke, ask yourself WHY?
Who taught you to smoke?
Did you watch a parent smoke or a brother or sister or friends at school and you thought they looked cool and then you decided you wanted to look cool?
Smoking is a learned behaviour and if your subconscious can learn to smoke it can learn to do something else other than smoking.Using the power of your own subconscious mind it can be possible for you to change your habit quite easily, providing you really want too!
One thing we cannot do is make you want to stop smoking, only you can make that decision and when you have made that decision, give me a call.
Therapies offered
Upcoming events
£150.00 - £350.00
Additional information
I am now retired from treatment sessions and only do training to pass my skills on to others.
Work life balance and all that. I like holidays.
Although retired from the treatment part of the business I am happy for you to contact me as I can then refer you to a Hypnotherapist I personally trained and that I would go to for treatment. Please call me to discuss your requirement.
There are FREE introductory events on my website. Go and have browse.
When I work
Further information
I am recognised as one of the top trainers both in the UK and overseas.
You will be looked after from the minute you sign until you complete your training and beyond.
My help continues long after you have completed your trained.
Always willing to help.
My courses are full of top quality demonstrations with excellent material.
The UK training courses are held Warwickshire.
Overseas courses are held in magnificent villas.
There are intensive comprehensive courses of 14 days.
Alternatively you can choose to train over 7 weekends over 7 months.
If you do want to train and become a Hypnotherapist, call me, it could change your life!