Ticking away the problem: Hypnosis to overcome tics

As a hypnotherapist, one of the most fulfilling experiences I have had is helping clients overcome challenges that have been holding them back in life. One such client came to me with a tic disorder that was significantly impacting their day-to-day life. They were experiencing up to 200 tics per day, including both physical and vocal tics, which were causing them a great deal of distress and anxiety. Over the course of six weekly sessions, we were able to reduce their tics by 75%, and a few weeks later they were almost gone entirely.


When the client first came to me, they were feeling hopeless and defeated. They had been experiencing tics for many years and had tried various treatments, including medication and therapy, but nothing seemed to be helping. They were feeling discouraged and ashamed of their tics, which were impacting their social life and their ability to perform well at work.

During our initial consultation, I spent time getting to know the client and learning about their experiences with tics. We talked about their medical history, any triggers or situations that seemed to exacerbate their tics, and any strategies that they had tried in the past to manage their tics. I also explained how hypnotherapy could be used as a complementary therapy to help reduce tics and manage the anxiety and stress that often accompanies them.

Over the course of six weekly sessions, we focused on a range of techniques to help the client manage their tics. One of the primary strategies we used was called "anchoring." This involved identifying a positive feeling or sensation that the client experienced when they were not ticcing and then creating an anchor or trigger that would help them access that feeling whenever they felt the urge to tic.

We also worked on relaxation techniques to help the client reduce stress and anxiety, which can often exacerbate tics. During hypnotherapy sessions, I guided the client into a deep state of relaxation and used visualisation techniques to help them feel calm and centred. We also practised mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing and body scanning, to help the client stay present and focused in the moment.

Another key aspect of our hypnotherapy sessions was exploring the emotional and psychological factors that might be contributing to the client's tics. We talked about any negative thoughts or beliefs that might be reinforcing their tics and worked on reframing those thoughts in a more positive way. We also explored any underlying anxiety or stress that might be exacerbating their tics and worked on strategies to manage those feelings.

Throughout our sessions, the client was incredibly dedicated and committed to reducing their tics. They practised the techniques we discussed outside of our sessions and regularly checked in with me to discuss their progress. As a result of their hard work and dedication, they began to notice significant improvements in their tics after just a few sessions.

After the first six weekly sessions, the client's tics had reduced by 75%. They were feeling more in control of their tics and less anxious and stressed overall. A few weeks later, their tics were almost gone entirely. They were feeling more confident in social situations and were able to enjoy activities that they had previously avoided due to their tics.

The client also continued to practice the techniques we discussed in our hypnotherapy sessions to help maintain their progress and prevent their tics from resurfacing.

In conclusion, hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for managing tics and reducing the anxiety and stress that often accompanies them. Through a combination of relaxation techniques, visualisation exercises, and cognitive-behavioural strategies, it is possible

Please do get in contact for a complimentary discovery call to find out how I can help you. 

The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Hypnotherapy Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5
Written by Deanne Bloomfield, DSFH | AFSFH | NLP | REIKI
Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5

Deanne Bloomfield is a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist. Her passion is helping clients reach their potential through a combination of Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Mindfulness. Deanne works online and sees clients all over the world

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