Four steps for self-hypnosis success
Hypnosis is a proven technique for improving many issues, such as low self-esteem, weight loss, pain, and stress management and it provides a means to create change for lots of other presenting problems. Hypnosis allows us to experience thoughts and images as if almost they were real. And, with a little practice, the vast majority of people can purposefully access a state of trance and benefit from using self-hypnosis.

Here are four simple steps that you can easily follow to assist you to access a relaxing trance state and experience self-hypnosis.
1. Become familiar with self-hypnosis
Learn about the basics of hypnosis, including techniques and steps for inducing self-hypnosis. Then, practice these techniques several times with a goal in mind of what you are trying to achieve with this method.
It can be best to seek a professional for help regarding questions of self-hypnosis or to attend a self-hypnosis seminar with a recognised training provider.
2. Try different methods for inducing self-hypnosis
First of all, find a quiet, peaceful and comfortable place. Then, imagine your whole body relaxing. Allowing that relaxation to spread from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes. What’s it like inside your mind when you start relaxing in this way? You can give yourself time to relax into a trance-like state to really enjoy hypnosis and, when you are ready, you can come out of the hypnosis, feeling awake, alert and wonderful in every way.
Alternatively, you may want to be hypnotised by a trained professional hypnotherapist in the first instance, so you can get a feel for what hypnosis is like. Your hypnotherapist can then educate you about how to do the process yourself. You can memorise or record the general induction process into an audio file and give yourself the instructions.
3. Develop self-improvement suggestions to give yourself during hypnosis
The suggestions or self-improvement instructions may reflect a new attitude towards yourself or a different way of thinking. The words you use should be positively stated in simple statements that are repeated often. Plus, the suggestions should be believable, desirable, for a specific time and, most importantly, provide a visual image of the suggested outcome.
For example, if you wanted to improve your confidence the statement of self-improvement suggestions might be something like:
"Simply by realising that I have that confidence now, it’s an experience that is familiar to me. It allows me to know that every time I want to feel confident, I can access that confidence because it is part of me and feeling confident comes naturally to me. That means that I can confidently do all that I want knowing that confidence is mine now."
4. Do self-hypnosis daily
Repetition is key. Make time to complete your self-hypnosis session every day. Find a quiet, private place without any distractions to perform a session that is up to 20 minutes. Develop a routine that works for you and remember to be patient because it takes time to learn any new skill. After 21-28 days measure your progress and notice the changes that have occurred.