The unexpected perks of being a socially anxious person

Is social anxiety ruling your life? It’s easy to see it as a burden, but did you know that it could actually have some positive aspects? Research has revealed that social anxiety may come with some unexpected benefits. It’s time to change your perspective and learn to harness the power of your anxiety to improve your life. 


A potential benefit of social anxiety is increased empathy. A study published in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders found that there was a positive association between social anxiety and affective empathy.

Affective empathy can be defined as sharing the same emotion as someone else, such as experiencing personal distress when seeing another person's difficult situation or feeling joy when seeing another person experience something positive. This may be because social anxiety forces individuals to pay closer attention to the emotions and nonverbal cues of others, in order to avoid social blunders. As a result, individuals with social anxiety may be more attuned to the emotions of those around them, which can be a valuable trait in both personal and professional relationships. 

Another study found a relationship between greater levels of creativity and social anxiety. This may be because social anxiety leads individuals to think more deeply about social situations and to consider a wider range of perspectives and possibilities. This tendency towards deeper thinking perhaps can translate to greater creativity in other areas of life as well. 

While social anxiety can be a difficult condition to live with, there is evidence to suggest that it can also have surprising benefits. From increased empathy to improved performance and greater creativity, social anxiety may offer some unexpected advantages. If you or someone you know is struggling with social anxiety, it is important to seek professional help, but it is also helpful to recognise that there may be some positive aspects to the condition as well. 

Hypnosis for self-acceptance 

Hypnosis for self-acceptance can be a useful tool for individuals struggling with social anxiety. Through hypnosis, individuals can learn to cultivate self-compassion and self-acceptance, which can help them feel more comfortable in social situations. 

Hypnosis for self-acceptance typically involves inducing a relaxed state in which the individual is more open to suggestion. During this state, a trained hypnotherapist can guide the individual through visualisation exercises and positive affirmations designed to promote self-acceptance and self-compassion. 

By helping individuals cultivate a more positive relationship with themselves, hypnosis for self-acceptance can reduce the self-criticism and negative self-talk that often contribute to social anxiety. This can lead to increased confidence and a greater sense of comfort in social situations.

Hypnosis for self-acceptance can also be used to help individuals develop a more positive mindset and outlook on life. By focusing on the positive aspects of themselves and their lives, individuals may be able to better cope with the challenges of social anxiety and feel more resilient in the face of difficult situations.

While hypnosis for self-acceptance can be a helpful tool for individuals with social anxiety, it is important to seek out a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist who can guide you through the process safely and effectively and tailor the hypnosis to the individual needs of the person.


  • Afshar, A. (2017). Analysis of the Relationship between Social Phobia and Creative Thinking and Problem Solving of the Teenage Girls. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 4 (2). Available here
  • Pittelkow, M., Rot, M., Seidel, L., Feyel, N. & Roest, A. (2021). Social Anxiety and Empathy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 78. Available here

The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Hypnotherapy Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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London SE3 & N1
Written by Josephine Tripier Lorio, Dip Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy(CBH), MSc Psy, BSc OT
London SE3 & N1

Jo is a qualified Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist with a Master's degree in psychology and extensive experience working as an Occupational Therapist in NHS mental health services. As a Hypnotherapist she specialises in anxiety-related issues such as social anxiety, confidence, public speaking, imposter syndrome, and perfectionism.

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