Choosing gratitude
Gratitude practice is such a powerful tool and technique I use for my personal practice and of course with clients. It is just one of the things that we can choose to engage in on a regular basis to help us feel how we want to feel - good, happy, content, abundant and filled up from the inside!

Our thought cycles, whether they are negative or positive can become oh so habitual, through repetition, repetition, repetition. So much so that they end up automatic and on a loop, without us even realising.
Gratitude is a practice and it is a choice, we can choose to focus on the things in our life we are grateful for. Or we can choose to think about all the bad things in our life. Obviously, this is easier said than done and requires the correct tools and some practice.
But seeing as our thoughts lead to our feelings, which then lead to our behaviours, thinking about things that you are grateful for can help fill us up from the inside out! And that is when the magic happens - when we choose to do the work from the inside out rather than the outside in.
And if practice is what makes it habitual, I recommend you think about three things that you are grateful for every single morning before you start your day. You could keep a journal to do this so you have something to go back to daily! Why not treat yourself to a lovely new journal, making it into a sacred, non-negotiable act before you get to work!
I always say to clients, when thinking about things you are grateful for making sure these things are specific rather than general, so you can really feel into how that thing makes you feel.
For example, I am grateful for the sun on my skin as I drink my morning coffee, rather than I am grateful for the sun. Or, I am grateful for my partner, I am grateful for the kiss on the cheek my partner gave me before going to work! Then, you can really feel into the things you are saying you are grateful for because you will resonate more deeply with them!
Notice as you go through your three things, how difficult it is to feel any stress, worry, anxiety etc at the same time! You can't! So, this makes gratitude a wonderful way to counteract negative habits of thought and therefore feelings and therefore behaviours!
On this, I would like you to listen to my 10-minute gratitude meditation. Set aside anything you are doing right now and immerse yourself in this recording. Allowing yourself to be guided by what I ask.
After listening, grab your journal and write down how you feel upon thinking about the things you are grateful for.
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