OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder & Hypnosis

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD. Even in its mildest form it can be a nuisance, however anything above mild can have a drastic effect on your life.

Some of the readers will recognise OCD and others might recognise it as you read through this article.

OCD has two main features:

  • Experiencing frequent, disturbing, unwanted thoughts that result in fears, and compulsions.
  • Acts or rituals carried out in response to fears caused by the obsessions.

Some examples of OCD are excessive hand washing, counting, excessive cleaning and neatness. An example of excessive neatness would be lining up your pencils on your desk and or placing everything in neat formations. Excessive worrying about germs, dirt and even worrying that you have done something to harm someone when you have not. Many people think it is only compulsive behaviour that is classed as OCD, however it is also repeated thoughts.

These are just a few examples and if you have OCD then you know this already. Often those who do have OCD do not understand what they have and are reluctant to seek help and do their best to keep it a secret.

What can you do if you have or suspect you have OCD?

First port of call is your GP for a medical diagnosis. They might recommend medication and or they might recommend complimentary therapy. This is when a Hypnotherapist can help.

Hypnosis and NLP are complimentary therapies that may be able to obtain a relatively quick change in your behaviour and thinking. By utilising the full resources of the subconscious mind you can uncover the root cause of your OCD and then from that point the hypnotherapist can then help you re-programme your own mind so that your subconscious learns how to behave in a new way, or in the way it did before you developed OCD (if appropriate). The use of NLP (Nuero Linguistic Programming) and some guided visualisation techniques whilst in the hypnotic trance can transform your behaviour and your life.

There is no need to feel embarrassed about discussing this with a hypnotherapist as they have probably heard similar from someone else and of course confidentiality is guaranteed. 

If you think you might have OCD, please contact your GP for a diagnosis. If you decide to visit a hypnotherapist you might consider informing your doctor so that they know what you are doing outside of their field.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Hypnotherapy Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Southam, Warwickshire, CV47 1EB
Written by John Dewar, D.M.H. D.Hyp. CPNLP. EMDR. Dip.SMC. SQHP
Southam, Warwickshire, CV47 1EB

I have been a successful hypnotherapist since 2003 and a training provider since 2006. I own and run the John Dewar School of Hypnotherapy in Leamington Spa. Training courses are also held in various parts of the UK and overseas.
With a background in General Management at a senior level I understand the stresses and strains life can bring.

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