Hypnotherapy for emotional conflicts - express freely
This article aims to introduce both future clients and current hypnotherapists to how, with the use of hypnosis, we uncover and release emotional conflicts that people may well suffer from.
The metaphoric story flowing throughout this article does not relate to any previous or current clients. It is purposefully a general overview demonstrating how some people respond to early life experiences that have long since been buried within the subconscious realm of thought. Because it is a generalisation you may well find you can relate to certain core aspects to this fictional lady.
Her life had been one that had grown within the expression recession and not to her knowledge. As to a vegetable crop sown in the less fertile soil knows only what they do not know, until they are fed with nourishment from the deep, deep depths of chance and yet somehow drawing that good fortune into their own field.
Before we start hypnotherapy we often have unanswered questions as to why we feel the way we do and what to do about negative feelings such as apathy, discontentment and anxiety. Often clients will find themselves searching for the exact moment in time a feeling was initiated and became upheld as a deep rooted belief or justification, dictating why they are, the way, they are...
Now this particular lady in her father’s words had done well. Dwelling in suburbia for much of the early years that somehow had defined her. Intuitively she knew this. On the paper she would come to write on, her life was of the achievers side of the coin and coins were something that this person was not short of. In her own words stating that “ideas cannot not be purchased” and as many of her belongings became older so did the levels of satisfaction that resonated throughout her life.
Emotional conflicts can be stimulated by our education or even the generation of people we are born into, for example what our parents or society expect of us can be very subtly stored in the background, we refer to these types of thinking as values.
Being born of a rolling stone type generation has brought liberation to millions of women more disappointingly resurfacing as an inner dialogue that “can’t get no satisfaction” anywhere else, because the past is the past and when the future happens the rumblings of the past start to resurface. This lady couldn’t quite put her finger on a reason for the under contentment and as this crop was just the way it was, achievement of the external variety was not going to give the excuse to change something.
Trying to make sense of a somewhat contradictory belief system can have us feeling confused. Whilst attempting to get on top of unconscious programming has the potential to give us even more doubts as to who we are. To be initially told by a client that they have lost all sense of who they are is common place and hypnotherapy is fantastic at clearing the mind of what we didn’t know we were thinking, restoring our natural sense of self expression in the process.
Stating “when I try to change myself I find myself going around in circles as if I am in a maze and now I am 59 and I am two stone overweight?”
The emotional content of our subconscious memories holds a significant card in shaping how we view the world. Eventually and as we become less energetic, suppressing feelings of negativity may blend into other areas of our life (e.g. becoming overweight). Although we are all different, this is a somewhat classic example of a person that might confess they have “let themselves go” to the therapy practitioner.
Now, this ladies words were important to her and on the face of her understanding she was really good with words. Renting twenty nine properties without the need to lift a finger it can be hard trying to put your finger on something if it isn’t prepared to move, but perception is like that and as we talked we did eventually find ourselves at the train station.
For this reason it isn’t necessarily achievable to expect yourself the client, to have the right words or an adequate enough explanation as to why you just feel off centre. However hypnosis is a brilliant tool that can uncover the minds subconscious interpretation of your current mind state.
1959 AD
It was around three o’clock in the afternoon, there was a cool breeze in the air with the warm sun able to blend through the chill. As a lone child standing there on the strong platform, an important trip was about to get under way. A man acknowledged her she hadn’t noticed before, but approaching him seemed the right thing to do. Feeling comfortable and reassured in the ease of her thinking. She knew that his words would guide her to the place she needed to visit. Holding out his hand a white light began to swirl and swirl drawing her hand and when touched together we were in a new but distant place.
Whilst in a hypnotic state we have the ability to remember certain key events of the past. The mind has the capacity to perform very well whilst following directives from a hypnotherapy practitioner. With the correct guidance we may well notice that we have experienced multiple and conflicting emotions that lead us to feeling confused or unable to express ourselves fully in certain situations.
I can recall being six years old and standing in the living room. Daddy has just come home from work and the dinner table had just been set. Receiving a big hug from daddy with a kiss on the cheek “had you feeling safe and secure, feeling loved, special and appreciated” she said, and as his attention was drawn to Mummy “my sense of these things begins to shift opposite.”
The sandwiching effect of this type of experience could cause inner turmoil. Split loyalties leaving the young child with the dilemma of choosing to be like daddy or to imitate mummy.
“Mummies is broken..it needs fixing…mummies car.. Mummy shouts at Daddy and Daddy shouts back, I best stay quiet, I’d better stay out of the way and show Daddy I am a good girl Mummy should do the same, I feel as though I should do something but I don’t know, I am confused..I …I don’t know what to say… I am scared…I want to make Daddy happy.. do something Mummy.”
When we release on our emotions we start to restore our general sense of well-being and releasing can happen with our eyes open or during hypnosis.
The man from the railway station reappeared in the room, talking her through reassuring her. "Daddy will get the gearbox fixed... all is well... you have done nothing wrong as you are able to release on the negativity you feel, release on the fear that you once felt, let go of your mothers shame, you no longer hold onto these thoughts as your own, I will guide you through, take you home and because of this a new more positive more expressive you can raise to the surface and as each day goes by, the more you find this restful clearer part of you nature.”
We don’t always need to know the past to engage with it differently, just releasing our negativity can be enough to create positive change in your life.
Travelling by train she went to stay at her Aunties house, never knowing why. For her the train journey was an adventure, a lone venture. She loved her Aunty but didn’t feel compelled to say much, but did enjoy the venture and even though the expression recession had only just begun this particular young lady was already well on her way to showing her father that she could achieve through tough times, proving it to herself but suppressing another part of herself in the process. Until one day she learned to let go of the emotional burdens that were once carried. Shortly afterwards and on asking her what kind of car she drove there was no utter of a brand or model, she simply said “it’s automatic…..”.
So here is an example of how many people might respond when attempting to uncover conflicting and suppressed emotions. Initially there is always an element of not knowing exactly what you will gain from a course of hypnotherapy. So I invite you to remember, hypnotherapy has the potential to unblock your thinking, have you feeling lighter and able to express yourself more easily, bringing dramatic and positive change into your life.
Express yourself with ease.