Can QHHT help me with my issue?
I’m frequently asked by clients if QHHT is a suitable modality for them to get answers and solutions for their issues. When we talk further, I often hear them express a fear that their problems are too small and insignificant to warrant investigating them by doing a QHHT session and getting answers from their Higher Self.

It's time to be very clear about this! There is absolutely no issue or problem that cannot be examined and resolved by asking your Higher Self for help. They do not categorise requests by degrees of importance or urgency, nor do they have a triage system like the NHS. Their desire is only to help us in the very best way they can, and they love it when we appeal to them directly for advice or healing.
Who or what is the Higher Self?
There is seemingly a lot of confusion about who or what is the Higher Self (who we mostly tend to refer to as ‘they’ as a mark of respect). Some people think they are similar to Guides or Angels, but that’s not the case. Each and every one of us has a Higher Self that is individual to us, because it is a part of us. It’s the part of us that remains fully connected to the Source (or God, or whatever you choose to name the Infinite Wisdom that created us) at all times, throughout every incarnation.
It can also be called our Soul Mind, and some like to call it the Subconscious or Superconscious.
The Higher Self knows us better than anyone else ever can because it is the infinite part of us that has been with us from the moment of our creation. It travels with us through every incarnation. It is with us between lives and is part of the process of creating our Soul Plan or blueprint for each life. It is with us when we incarnate into a new body, and it is with us when leave that body at the end of life and return to the Source, unlike the Conscious mind that is individual to each body we choose for each life. When we leave that body, we leave the Conscious mind behind.
There is absolutely nothing the Higher Self doesn’t know about us, including our hopes and dreams, our aspirations, our wants, needs and desires. It is aware of our struggles and shares our pain when we stumble, but also our joy when we succeed. It knows when we veer off our life path and when we take free will.
In other words, it is with us always, day and night, 24/7. We are never alone!
Life lessons
Although the Higher Self acts as our cheerleader, it cannot and will not intervene, even when we make mistakes. This might puzzle you, given what I’ve just said. The reason for this is actually very simple…
Every life has a purpose, and before we incarnate, we decide what it is that we want to learn and what it is that we need to do and experience in the process. We’re not alone when doing this, but are fully supported and guided by those you might call the Wise Ones - a council of Wise Beings.
During this process, we choose the time in the Earth history, the country of our birth and of course our gender. We also create contracts (always reciprocal) with members of our Soul Group, which include requests on how they can help us learn our life lessons. It may surprise you to hear that we can often ask them to treat us harshly or unkindly, as it is only by having that experience that we can learn the opposite.
For example… let’s say we want to learn about kindness and compassion in our next life. If we had parents and others around us who only showed us kindness and compassion, we’d just accept it as the norm and coast through life with our feet up. On the other hand, if we are treated unkindly and with little compassion for our well-being, we have the opportunity to come out of that experience with a determination to treat others with kindness and compassion. In that case, lesson well learnt!
Whilst we are in a human body, and because we are temporarily disconnected from the wisdom of the Source, we can take free will and decide to follow the example of those who treated us unkindly by behaving in similar ways to those we love, including our partners and children. We have the opportunity to change this right up until the time of our death, but if we don’t do so then the lesson has not been learnt.
Life review
After we leave the body, we do a life review and we’re able to see very clearly how well we did in the life we’ve just left, or maybe we come to realise that we weren’t successful in learning our lessons, so it becomes ‘unfinished business’. This isn’t viewed as failure and there’s no judgement; instead, it is seen as accumulated wisdom that we can use in our next incarnation, when we have the opportunity to do it all over again, but in a different body and in different circumstances.
The Higher Self can never interfere or intervene, because if they did, it would be rather like a child asking a parent to help them with their homework and the parent saying ‘Let me do it for you’. No child would refuse such an offer, but what have they learnt by not doing it for themselves, given a little help?
Learning to trust your intuition
In summary, your Higher Self is always there to help and guide you and to give you advice. It will point you in the right direction if you ask it to do so, but it is up to you to listen and then to take action to follow the advice.
Do you talk to your Higher Self? They love it when you do, and even more importantly, they love it when you pause and listen to their answers! I cannot count the number of times I’ve heard a client’s Higher Self confirm this to be true.
Why don’t you give it a try? Even better, make it a regular and very healthy habit! I like to speak to my Higher Self out loud and ask questions, and then I stop and wait for answers, which I also like to verbalise (best when you’re alone so you don’t get funny looks!).
Your conscious mind will try and get in the way and say ‘Come on, this is me talking and coming up with the answers. I’m just making this all up!’ Push it away and give yourself permission to make up the answers – this is called ‘trusting your intuition’, and you’ll be amazed at the wisdom that comes out of these conversations, especially with practice!
Further reading