Hypnotherapy in business
Should your company consider using a hypnotherapist?
How can consulting a hypnotherapist benefit your business? On the face of it you may not think it could. But, whether you own the business or are an employee, your livelihood depends on the company’s success. If you think about your work environment you may be surprised at how many different ways a good hypnotherapist can help improve it and possibly even increase productivity; a happy team is an efficient team after all. I’m not talking about the physical environment of the building or furniture but the interaction between people.
Stress affects individuals in different ways. For a start a certain amount of stress is good for us. It keeps us focussed and motivated but too much stress can be detrimental to us. Too much stress can cause an individual’s performance to fall, as they begin to feel overwhelmed, possibly ending in burn out. It can lead to an individual not being able to unwind at the end of the day without alcohol or other, possibly illegal, substances. These are just two examples of how an individual not managing stress can have negative effects on themselves causing a business to suffer.
Business presentations
Do you or your staff have to give sales pitches or presentations to representatives from potential customer companies or in house briefings? If so you will know that a poorly presented presentation can, no matter how well the graphics or power point appear, fail just on the grounds that the person giving the presentation is nervous. A lack of confidence looks like you don’t know what you’re talking about or you yourself have no confidence in your ability to deliver a quality product or service. So your competition, with a much slicker presentation, gets the contract.
Individual meetings
Public speaking may not be a problem if all your sales are pitched on a one to one basis. Even after the presentation finalising the deal may be done on a one to one basis. This can of course fall apart merely because the other company’s representative takes a dislike to your representative. We tend to make our minds up about whether we like people or not extremely quickly. Once someone has come to an unfavourable opinion about us it is very difficult to get them to change their mind. As you will always be able to negotiate a better deal if you are liked, building rapport is an important skill for anyone in business or dealing with other businesses on a regular basis.
Moral and motivation
It’s well known that if one person is in a bad mood, or feeling down, it can bring down the mood of those around them. This of course brings everyone’s moral down bringing with it a general lowering of motivation. Again this can have a serious detrimental effect on the business of the day. Two days in particular can be bad. Monday, because it’s the start of a new week and as far from a day off, the weekend, as you can be. The other, Friday, for the opposite reason. People lose interest on Friday, especially in the afternoon, because they are so close to having two days off work.
How can a hypnotherapist help a business?
These are just some of the issues hypnotherapists deal with every day that can effect a business. It is not an exhaustive list by any means. A definitive list could only be drawn up on a business by business basis. All of the issues above could be addressed either in groups or with individual sessions, so ask yourself two of the following questions.
Everyone ask yourself; what other issues could a hypnotherapist help with that effect my business / work?
Employers / managers ask yourself; how much better would our company performance be if we addressed these issues?
Employees ask yourself; how much of an edge on my colleagues, when it comes to promotion, would I have if I addressed these issues?