This professional is available for new clients.
This professional is available for new clients.
About me
I am a full-time Hypnotherapist with over 35 years experience witnessing the transformative power of hypnosis deliver life-changing results for clients with a wide range of concerns. I am confident that I can offer you highly specialised, confidential guidance to bring about positive therapeutic change.
I have helped resolve an extensive list of ailments, problems and disorders, over many years, so if you're considering whether Hypnotherapy can help you, the answer is almost certainly: ‘Yes!’
Hypnosis is effective, because the unconscious mind accepts positive suggestions for change, enabling you to resolve issues quickly and eliminate old habits and negative thought-patterns, once and for all.
So if you are genuinely seeking help, then I am a 'Clinical Hypnotherapist', who adheres to a strict code of ethics, and whose 4-year training and credentials have been endorsed by all the respected professional bodies.
Despite my extensive experience, my fees remain affordable, and are moderately priced compared to other therapists.
I offer a FREE 30-minute 'Initial Consultation' to help you come to an informed decision and you are under no obligation to proceed.
I also guarantee a ‘Brief-Therapy’ approach, where positive results are achieved quickly and in the minimum number of sessions. My clients are never expected to embark on an extensive number of sessions or book in advance.
Finally, I am so confident in my tried and tested methods, that if you find that you do not go into hypnosis, in your very first session with me, I won't charge you a penny!
Training, qualifications & experience
T.Cert. (Distinction)
B.Ed. (Hons.)
N.P.Q.H. (National Professional Qualification for Headship) (2008)
F.R.S.A. - (Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts) (2010-2019)
Associate Teaching Fellow (part-tme) at the
University of Warwick - Centre for Teacher Education (CTE)
Certificates / Diplomas / Registered Memberships
Adv.Dip.T.H.P - 'Advanced Therapeutic Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy'
Awarded by ‘The National School of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy.' (N.S.H.A.P.)
N.R.H.P. – Full member of 'The National Register of Hypnotherapists and Psychotherapists.'
U.K.C.P. Registered 'Hypno-Psychotherapist' - 'The United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy.' (2007 - 2014)
G.Q.H.P. – (General Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice)
G.H.R.Reg. Registered 'Hypnotherapist' - ('The General Hypnotherapy Register.') (2004 - 2017)
G.H.S.C. - Validated Practitioner - 'General Hypnotherapy Standards Council'
N.R.H. - 'Nationally Registered Hypnotherapist'
Accredited by the 'National Regulatory Register for Hypnotherapy'.
Member organisations
school Registered / Accredited
Being registered/accredited with a professional body means an individual must have achieved a substantial level of training and experience approved by their member organisation.

The National Register of Hypnotherapists and Psychotherapists (NRHP) was formed to promote the skilled use of hypno-psychotherapy. There are a number of different membership categories e.g. Associate 1, Associate 2, Associate 3 and Full Member, with the different categories standing for different levels of training and experience. Regulated Members of NRHP are obliged to meet all the rules and regulations of NRHP including the Code of Ethics and Professional Practice and the Guidelines for Supervision and Continuing Professional Development.

The United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) is an umbrella organisation, with over 80 training, or accrediting organisations in membership. Registration with UKCP is obtained through one of their Member Organisations and each practitioner must maintain membership of a Member Organisation to maintain their UKCP Registration. Members must adhere to approved Codes of Ethics and Practice and be accountable to UKCP Complaints and Appeals Procedures.
Accredited register membership

The Accredited Register Scheme was set up in 2013 by the Department of Health (DoH) as a way to recognise organisations that hold voluntary registers which meet certain standards. These standards are set by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).
This therapist has indicated that they belong to an Accredited Register.

Areas of hypnotherapy I deal with
info Information about health conditions (*)
Hypnotherapy can enhance the well-being of individuals diagnosed with serious medical conditions, but should not take the place of medical treatment and advice. If you have been diagnosed with - or suspect you may have - any of these conditions, please speak to your doctor before starting hypnotherapy.
Other areas of hypnotherapy I deal with
Achieving Your Full Potential Anorexia Assertiveness Binge Drinking Blushing Bereavement Bed Wetting Bruxism - (Teeth Grinding / Excessive Jaw Clenching) Bulimia Bullying Cancer Treatment Cannabis Addiction Cervical Dystonia - Spasmodic Torticollis - (Involuntary Muscle Contractions) Chocolate Addiction Crohn’s Disease Claustrophobia Communication Skills Conversation Starting Confidence Controlling Emotions / Feelings / Reactions Enhanced Creativity - (including Writers Block) Dealing with Difficult People Dermotillomania (Compulsive Scratching) Disappointment / Disillusionment Ease with the Opposite Sex Emetophobia - (Fear of Being Sick / Vomiting) Emotional Intelligence Erectile Dysfunction Excessive Sweating Exercise - Increasing Motivation Facial Tics Fear of Abandonment Fear of Ageing Fear Of Authority Fear Of Bees And Wasps Fear Of Birds Fear Of Cancer Fear Of Cats Fear Of Confrontation Fear Of Crowds Fear Of The Dark Fear Of Death - (Morbidity) Fear Of The Dentist Fear Of Dining Out Fear Of Doctors Fear Of Dogs Fear Of Driving Fear Of Elevators Fear Of Failure Fear Of Flying - (Learn to Fly Relaxed) Fear Of General Anaesthesia Fear Of Germs Fear Of A Heart Attack Fear Of Heights Fear Of Hospitals Fear Of Leaving Home Fear Of Needles Fear Of Noise Fear Of Public Speaking Fear Of Sharks Fear Of Snakes Fear of Spiders Fear Of Success Fear Of Terrorism Fear Of Thunder Fear Of Travel Fear Of Violence Fear Of Vomiting Fear Of Water Feel Attractive Fertility & Conception Fibromyalgia - (Chronic Pain) Fidgeting Flirting Confidence Food & Weight Issues Gambling Addiction Globus Hystericus (Lump in the Throat) Grief And Loss Guilt Habits Hair Pulling (Trichotilomania) Hypnobirthing Hypochondria I.B.S. - (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) |
Impotence Improving Concentration Impulse Buying Increased Libido Increased Personal Popularity Insecurity Insomnia Internet Addiction Interpersonal Skills Interview Skills Irrationality - Irrational Fears Jealousy Job Skills Kleptomania Let Go Of The Past Lip Biting M.E. - (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) Memory Problems Menopause Migraines Morbidity - Fear of Dying Musicians & Singers Nerves (Stage Fright) Nail Biting Negativity Nervous Coughing Nervous Laughter Nervous Passenger Nose Picking Obsessing - (O.C.D. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) Pain Management Panic Attacks Parenting Skills Personal Development Personal Fitness Personal Productivity Personal Skills Pessimism Phobias Positive Thinking Post Traumatic Stress Pregnancy And Childbirth Premature Ejaculation Pre-Menstrual Syndrome Presentation Skills - Presenting with Confidence Procrastination Public Speaking Quiet Mind Rejection Relationships Relaxation Techniques Scratching / Itching Self Discipline Self-Control / Decision Making Self Motivation Self Sabotage Sexual Enhancement Sexual Issues Shopping Addiction Shyness Skin Picking Social Issues - Social Confidence Snoring Speaking Clearly Sports Performance Stage Fright Stopping Negative Thinking Stop Smoking - (Free From Tobacco) Stress - Stress Management Stuttering Tension Headaches Thinking Skills Tics Tinnitus Troubled Childhood Unfamiliar Surroundings Virtual Gastric Band Wedding Nerves Weight Loss What Others Think Workplace Wellbeing Writer's Block |
Therapies offered
£70.00 per session
Free initial in-person session
Additional information
30 minutes 'Initial Consultation' - FREE
Each hypnotherapy session - (approximately one hour) - £70
Your first 'familiarisation' session will last 90 minutes - but for no extra charge.
This allows you to enjoy the positive experience of hypnosis in an unhurried way.
Appointments are available am and pm with evenings, weekends and home visits considered on request.
When I work
5 days a week Monday to Friday - 09:30am until 4pm at Stoneleigh Avenue, Coventry. Home visits undertaken by request.
Further information
Before becoming a full-time 'Hypnotherapist' I spent 36 years in secondary education, including 12 years as a Vice-Principal, in two successful Academies.
As a result I am particularly experienced in helping, children, teenagers and their families with the following issues:
- Low Self Esteem
- Lack of Confidence
- Shyness
- Poor Self Image
- Improving Study and Revision Skills
- Improving Memory and Retention
- Exam Nerves / Test Anxiety
- Self-Harming
- Bullying
- Communication Skills
- Interview Skills
- Presentation Skills
- Personal Skills
- Emotional Intelligence
I am CRB / DBS (Disclosure and Barring service) police checked and approved.