Hypnotherapy for health & wellness (Newcastle-under-Lyme)

07964 827 262 07964 827 262
Open to all
Brampton Museum, The Brampton (Drawing Room), Newcastle, Staffordshire, ST5 0QP

Who are these for?

Everyone! If you've ever wondered what hypnotherapy is and how it helps people, you can find out here. 

Monthly workshops take place on a Saturday at 1.15pm at The Brampton Museum in Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire. These are both educational and relaxing! 

Learn about how your mind works, what hypnotherapy is and experience a taster hypnotherapy session. Subjects are different each month:

  • Saturday 18th May: Confidence
  • Saturday 22nd June: Emotional eating
  • Saturday 20th July: Limiting beliefs
  • Saturday 17th August: Imposter syndrome
  • Saturday 21st September: Pain
  • Saturday 19th October: Fears
  • Saturday 16th November: Worry
  • Saturday 14th December: Self-love

Each workshop is 40 minutes and takes place in the drawing room, ground floor, on the left as you enter the museum. Please book in advance to secure a space.

*Age 14 and up to minimise distractions

Book online via TicketSource here.

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Hosted by Sarah Fish

Sarah Fish - Stress & Anxiety Specialist I use a combined approach to give you exactly what you need, when you need it most. Although I'm trained to help you, I've also experienced chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Hypnotherapy helped me overcome these, boosted my self-esteem and heal from a toxic workplace. Now I want to help you.