HypnoPregnancy training for hypnotherapists via Zoom

01227 490 489 01227 490 489 / 07739 263 771 07739 263 771
24th - 25th February 2022, 9.30am - 5.00pm
Hypnotherapists and trainees
£295 - £450

Learn how to use hypnotherapy to help fertility and pregnancy clients with experienced hypnotherapists Marcia Tillman and Julie Taylor.

This unique training is open to hypnotherapists and student hypnotherapists and brings together a combined 30 years of experience as clinical hypnotherapists specialising in the area of fertility and hypnobirthing.

For more information, please visit hypnopregnancy.co.uk.

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Hosted by Marcia Eden-Tillman

Marcia Eden (Tillman) MSc is the course leader and is an experienced Hypnotherapist, with over 19 years in private practice and extensive experience of client work and training.

Hosted by Marcia Eden-Tillman