Ericksonian therapy masterclass with Steve Burgess

01227 490 489 01227 490 489 / 07739 263 771 07739 263 771
1st - 2nd October 2022, 9.00am - 5.00pm
Hypnotherapists and trainees
Manor Barn, Cockering Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3UR
  • Would you like to make the process of hypnotherapy a much easier and more successful one for you and your clients?
  • Would you like to master the art of using indirect suggestions?
  • Are you ready to take your skills as a therapist to a whole new level?
  • Do you want to learn how to create change for your clients easily and effortlessly?

Then this course is for you!

Steve Burgess has been using Ericksonian therapy techniques for over 29 years and this online course allows you to add these techniques into your work and to deepen your knowledge of this style of therapy.  

You will learn much about the technical aspects of Ericksonian therapy and how to use these amazing language patterns in your own scripts and client sessions. This means that you can start to use hypnosis in a conversational way in order to influence your client’s subconscious in a gentle yet profound way, helping them to overcome their issues and change their lives for the better.

We will be analysing several Ericksonian scripts in order to understand how they are created and why they are so effective. The scripts are as follows:

  • stop smoking
  • self-hypnosis
  • change your life
  • weight loss

Practical sessions on the course involve working in groups to create new Ericksonian scripts and metaphors for other issues.

If you would like to develop your skills as a hypnotherapist, this course is for you. 

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Hosted by Marcia Eden-Tillman

Marcia Eden (Tillman) MSc is the course leader and is an experienced Hypnotherapist, with over 19 years in private practice and extensive experience of client work and training.

Hosted by Marcia Eden-Tillman