Weight loss hypnotherapy: Everything you need to know
Wondering why you’ve struggled to lose weight despite putting in the hours at the gym? Let’s take a look at why it can be so hard to drop those unwanted pounds.

Why is weight loss so hard?
It’s important to remember that weight loss isn’t a quick, simple process. Instead, it’s something that involves some hard work and dedication from you. You might find that you aren’t the only one that’s going through it, either. So many people struggle with weight loss, and it can be frustrating when it seems like it’s never going to end, or knowing what you should or shouldn’t be eating!
If you take a moment to think, your weight is much more than what you eat and how much exercise you do. It's about what you believe about yourself, about food and the emotional triggers that drive your eating habits.
People struggle with weight loss
A lot of people blame themselves when it comes to weight loss. It can be easy to feel like you’re not doing well enough but, if you’re truly dedicated to dropping a few pounds, you might be surprised by how far you actually get. Even though you might be doing everything right, you could still be unlucky enough to not be successful. It’s worth noting that a lot of studies show that 10% of people are genetically predisposed to struggle with weight loss.
How does hypnotherapy work?
As mentioned, your weight is much more than what you eat and how much exercise you do. It's about what you believe about yourself, and the emotional triggers around food that drive your eating habits. People who are attempting to lose weight may discover that they have a lot of negative thoughts and sensations about eating when they make the effort to do so. It’s also possible that they think they can’t manage their own eating habits on their own.
When someone is undergoing hypnotherapy, the therapist works with them to feel more confident about their body, and overcome negative thoughts and stresses associated with cravings, snacking, diets, and exercise.
You'll look at linked emotions to food and shape new positive responses and behaviours. This can be helpful for a variety of various conditions, including eating disorders, the urge to smoke, and even weight reduction.
Should you use weight loss hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy for weight loss isn’t a new phenomenon and has been around for many years. In fact, it could be argued that the use of hypnotherapy for weight loss has been around even longer than dieting! While there is evidence that shows that it is an extremely successful modality, it’s important to remember that some effort is also required on your part.
By targeting the subconscious mind with powerful suggestion techniques, we can help you develop a positive relationship with food and exercise, which is the true key to healthy long-term weight management.
Tips for successful weight loss through hypnotherapy
There are many things that can help you achieve successful weight loss through hypnotherapy. The most important thing, though, is to follow through with your weight loss journey which your therapist will discuss with you.
Here are some other tips for successful weight loss through hypnotherapy:
Keep a food diary
Especially in the early stages. This will help you look at what you are currently eating, when you eat, and portion size, and identify any habits and better food choices.
Plan your meals
This helps you make healthier choices, keeps you on track with regular meals and reduces the temptation to snack. It can also save you time and money too!
Drink plenty of water
Water is vital for our general health, but sometimes we can confuse hunger with thirst. Drinking water before, during and after a meal will help you break down the food you eat more easily. This can help you to digest food more effectively and get the most out of your meals.
Get more active
Find an activity you enjoy and are able to fit into your routine i.e. brisk walk, swimming, gym, work-out, pilates.
Set your weight loss goal
Set a realistic goal, this helps with your motivation for your desired weight.
Record your activity and progress
It's important that you track your weight loss journey.
After reading this article, you should have a much better grasp of how hypnotherapy weight loss, can help people lose weight. So, why not take action today and book a free discovery call to see how we can make those changes using weight loss hypnotherapy to become a happier and healthier you?