Clear the fear - become free!

07773 919 071 07773 919 071
25th January 2015, 10.00am - 5.00pm
Open to all
Dunmow Cricket Club, St Edmunds Lane, Great Dunmow, Essex, cm6 3at

For those who dare to be bold, who want to lead by example, this workshop offers an experiential block clearing opportunity for anyone brave enough to confront their fears and metaphorically, blow a hole through them. Leaders of personal development are especially welcome so that they are able to walk their talk and clear their blocks for their clients.

Becoming powerful, confident and clear as you were meant to be is your gift to the world. Getting out of your own way enables you to bring more of you to your work, sharing your unique insights, becoming fully yourself and enjoying well-being.

What are the benefits?

In my one day 'Clear the Fear' workshops that ran throughout 2014 and which I am launching again in 2015, you have an opportunity to address your performance anxieties, your blocks to success, and rework how you show up in the world. Once you’ve shifted, your future is waiting for you.

Here are some of the benefits you’ll experience:

  • Increased ability to relate effectively with others.
  • Feeling profoundly connected.
  • Feeling the freedom to be yourself.
  • Increased confidence.
  • More courage.
  • Bring passion to your work and commitments.
  • Feel confident working with others blocks and impasses.
  • Modelling energetic transformation for your clients or followers.
  • Inspiring approaches you can adopt for your clientele if you work in personal development.

What is a 'Clear the Fear' workshop?

Clear the Fear workshops incorporate a powerful integration of meditation, hypnotherapy, five rhythmns movement and dance, psychodrama, movement meditation, family constellation, and art. Each day is lead by the content that individuals bring to the group directed by your course director Jenny Lynn.

No matter how many times you visit, each day will be a unique odyssey of activities and challenges that evolve as the day unfolds. You have the opportunity to stay present with whatever arises, like a mindfulness meditation, so that you can capture what normally escapes and take the opportunity to re-write your life script. In the moment of catharsis, trapped emotions are released from the body and you can profoundly decide a new way of being.

This being can be more vibrant, more free and more authentic. These are qualities that will enhance every area of your life and work and help you deliver your gifts to the world.

Your deeper true self holds resources you didn’t know you had. Your true self knows your real worth. Let this workshop day be the start of something new and exciting for you. You can shift into the here and now and live your life more authentically clearing the fear and walking your talk, demonstrating how others too can do the same.

Who is it for?

This day is ideal for anyone who is ready and committed to clearing the fear out of their lives and stepping into their power. 

In particular:

  • Anyone whose habit is to take personal responsibility for their lives.
  • People working in personal development.
  • Those about to launch a practice in personal development – therapists, coaches, energy workers etc.
  • Those seeking opportunities to keep learning.
  • Those with a keen interest in shaping their own lives.
  • Those who are ready to step forward with trepidation and deal with their demons once and for all!

Here’s what one person said:

“I anticipated connecting with a part of myself that makes me feel more vulnerable. The experience was freeing, discovering, experiencing. I see I don’t always need a ‘shell’ or ‘armour’ to be of value for others. I found myself getting present to my strength”

Aldine Iqbal 

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Time and place:

The day will be hosted on the following Sundays between 10am and 5pm:

25th January (Dunmow Cricket Club, St Edmunds Lane)
1st March
12th April
24th May
28th June
2nd August
13th September
25th October
6th December

Dunmow Day Centre -
Rowena Davey Centre
Chequers Lane
Great Dunmow
Essex. CM6 1EQ

Your invesment is: £95

What others said

Here is what some of my participants have said: For more recent ones click on 

“Before the day started I felt fairly closed off and slightly apprehensive. As the day went on, I found that I had much more in common with the other participants. By joining in other people’s family dramas I experienced a lift and a shift in myself. I found myself becoming more relaxed and connected to other people and this made me very happy! You couldn’t put a price on the things that we learnt!”

Anna Aitchison

Dramatist - January 2014

“I was expecting it to be emotionally and mentally challenging. I had an open mind (and heart) and was willing to share. I was surprised by how a small group could work so powerfully, helping me get in touch with the emotions behind the issues that i have been intellectually aware of for some time, but never fully felt. And it happened so quickly too! I felt supported by everyone there, even though I was accessing painful material.”

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Hosted by Jenny Lynn

These events are lead by Jenny Lynn, Clear the Fear workshop Director. Jenny is an experienced and inspired leader of personal development workshops. She brings her years of experience as a Transpersonal Therapist, Trainer, Supervisor, Speaker and Mentor to the groups seeking to embrace the mental, emotional and spiritual of health and well-being.