Coping with anxiety and depression group

07708 709 330 07708 709 330
Open to all
£15 for 1 1/4 hours. Payment is in blocks.
Pure Moves, Wesley Close, Christchurch Street West, Frome, Somerset, BA11 1EA

The Group will run for three weeks on Tuesdays from 3rd October at 1.30pm until half-term. Then six weeks after half-term. Six weeks from January, then six weeks after half-term and so on.

The group is for those suffering from anxiety and/or depression. Marilyn is experienced in this field, will help participants understand their condition so that it doesn't overwhelm them, and give them tools for self-help. This involves CBT and soothing hypnotherapy. There will also be some mindfulness.

To book please go to my website and press the "pay now" button. If you have questions please press the "Contact Marilyn Upton" button.

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Hosted by Marilyn Upton

Studying Hypnotherapy made me realise that there are many similarities between it and Meditation. In Hypnotherapy the practitioner helps the client change things. In the Meditation interludes in the Group you will find that you change to being more in control of your issues. My year-long Diploma in Practical Spirituality enhanced my learning.