Why do we often give up our resolutions at the first hurdle?

Rather than set ourselves unrealistic targets, we should think and then re-think our objectives and strategies until we feel comfortable with the changes and able to implement them in sensible, achievable ways.

A common reason for this is because we often set ourselves unrealistic goals, feeling we have to be, or act or look a certain way. The main reason for these feelings and thoughts often come from the media. We only have to open a magazine or take a quick peek at social media sites to be inundated with how we should look or present ourselves. No wonder we feel pressured to take action.

You need to ask yourself, do you really want to achieve that goal/target you’ve set for yourself? Or are you doing it for someone else? Who’s voice are you listening to in your head? Is it really yours or is it coming from that last blog you read?

If you’ve already given up on your new years resolution, then it is likely due to the fact that the target you set yourself was too high.

A more productive way to achieve any realistic goal is to stop and think about what it is you really want to achieve. Is your goal to be stick thin like the models that are shown in the media, or would you prefer to be as healthy and slim as you can be for your own height and build? Is it to cut out sugar? Maybe start with small steps for a week or two and once comfortable with this, then reduce it a little more until you reach your goal in your own way and own time.

Rather than set ourselves unrealistic targets, we should think and then re-think our objectives and strategies until we feel comfortable with the changes and able to implement them in sensible, achievable ways.

Setting yourself time limitations is almost guaranteed to result in failure. Rather than setting yourself an exact date to lose 20lbs or write that book etc. it is far better to use the above way of stopping your current thinking patterns, and then working out a strategy that will help you easily and comfortably achieve what you can in the time frame you’ve set... or else re-calibrate that time frame so it’s realistic!

Writing down your goals, visualising the outcome and talking about it are powerful ways to reaffirm your determination... and repeated daily will reap rewards.

By giving yourself more time, less restrictions and achievable goals you wont go far wrong.

Hypnotherapy and BWRT (brain working recursive therapy) are both extremely powerful tools in helping you to reach your full potential.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Hypnotherapy Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Birkenhead, Merseyside, CH41 5EP
Written by Debbie Stanton
Advanced MIBBRS (Psyche). HypDip
location_on Birkenhead, Merseyside, CH41 5EP
With over 15 years experience as an advanced, award winning Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist & Transformational Coach, Debbie's mission is to offer professional, affordable therapy for all. With this in mind she offers reduced rates & therapy packages plus concessions for those on low income. Get in touch for your free, no obligation telephone chat

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