Is supervision really important?

Over the years I have worked with many newly qualified hypnotherapists who obtain their certificate or diploma, leave their course on a high and then have a stark realisation that they are alone in the ‘industry’. What do they find; no support, no-one to ask questions about what’s next and a general sense of loss.

90% of newly qualified hypnotherapists believe they will qualify, set-up their practice, do some social media and the clients will come. Unfortunately this is not the case. Maybe you recognise yourself in the following:

I am qualifying in a month and I have handed in my notice as I am certain that I can cover my income with 10 x clients per week at £40 a client which equates to my current salary. Easy! Can’t wait. You advertise, you spread the word through friends and family and the enquiries start to come in, but the work is sporadic.

You start comparing yourself in the market – who is charging what? Maybe I could drop my prices and get more work. You feel you are doing an excellent job because you have just paid a substantial amount of money for your course and right at the end you were given a business model but now your confidence is low.

Maybe you recognise that the ‘tools’ you have to look after your clients who have a wide variance of issues are just too basic. Using a stretched out PMR and taking them to a beach, a forest or a special place will simply not help your clients reach their goals. Maybe you are very pleased with yourself because they report how calm and relaxed they feel – is this sufficient?

You feel that asking them questions about their medical and family history is simply too intrusive?  Terrified at the thought that the client may open their eyes or still using language like ‘it’ didn’t work. 

Maybe its time to be really honest with yourself about where you are right now and where you wish to be! Maybe you have already gone back to work and will use hypnotherapy as a 'backup'. 

For those who have done meticulous planning, set their business goals and outcomes and have a very clear strategy for the future then they will be partially ready. They will still face the ups and downs of any other business owner but at least they are prepared. But what’s next?

Where do you go from here? Do you start doing a variety of CPD courses in weight-loss, smoking, IBS, anxiety, hypertension etc. – seeking and searching for the elusive answers – the magic wand that you wave and solve clients problems but still you are lacking some very basic skills in client management.

When you realise that a successful therapist/client session is 5% technique and 95% rapport/consultation, empathy and extensive listening/evidence gathering, is when you begin to emerge and grow in this industry.

As a highly experienced clinical hypnotherapist and tutor, in full-time practice with over 11 years experience, there isn't much I haven’t come across. On the back of this I offer supervision, not just for newly qualified therapists but as an on-going business and client mentor. This takes place over the phone for an hour or in my practice on a 1-1 basis or small group


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Hypnotherapy Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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