Clear the fear of intimacy

call 07773 919 071 07773 919 071
calendar_today Ongoing
person Open to all
universal_currency_alt £95
location_on Rowena Davey Centre, Chequers Lane, Great Dunmow, Essex, CM6 3AT

The Clear the Fear workshop is working on the theme of intimacy for 2015. The workshop incorporates powerful ways of creating a shift in your way of being fast. It's insightful, transformational, revealing and inspiring. It can create a sense of freedom and closeness in your life that you didn't know was possible. Are you ready to grow? To book your place go to:

What kinds of fears?

By fear of intimacy I am not referring to sexual intimacy. I believe the fear of intimacy is about the fear of being truly you; the fear that others may not like, or may judge the person you are if you dared to let them close. It's the one place, your true self, that most people will, out of fear, protect at any cost. As a result you can condemn yourself to living a cold, isolated and lonely life, even in relation with other people, because you are afraid of being seen, of being known. When you are afraid of being known, and you reject yourself, all you are doing is inviting others sooner or later to reject you too. The law of cause and effect, or more popularly, the law of attraction is very strict. How you experience yourself is how others will behave with you.

Clearing this fear engenders a freedom to be you

Imagine then you had the courage to step forward and commit to doing what it takes to make big strides into the heart of your fears? Imagine that instead of your dreams being figments of your imagination, you can start to act on making them happen, confronting your fears, shining a light on the dark corners, and becoming the architect of your reality? Are you fed up enough to take some action?

Who can benefit?

Personal development doesn't just happen. You have to make a decision to confront yourself and your hidden places. So if you're ready to do some fear clearing, I am waiting to receive you!  If you are looking for:

  • that elusive relationship
  • that elusive job
  • to improve your relationships with family
  • to build the courage to become self employed
  • to leave a relationship that no longer serves you
  • to get your life together generally
  • to step up in your therapy practice and walk your talk.

You will find this workshop presents a life changing opportunity.

In addition, if you're a professional therapist, feeling a bit of a fraud in your practice, healing others of stuff you haven't healed yourself from yet, this workshop is perfect for you! Step up and join us.

The above link takes you to Laura's video testimonial of her experience of the clear the fear workshops. As a result of her experience with us, Laura has now retrained as a drama therapist and is going from strength to strength.

To book your place go to:

Here are some of the benefits you're likely to experience as a result of coming to our workshop:

  • increased ability to relate effectively with others
  • feeling profoundly connected
  • feeling the freedom to be yourself
  • increased confidence
  • more courage
  • bring passion to your work and commitments
  • feel confident working with others blocks and impasses
  • modelling energetic transformation for your personal development clients
  • expanded awareness of how to grow your business
  • inspiring approaches you can adopt for those you work with.

What kind of thing happens on the workshops?

Clear the fear workshops incorporate a powerful integration of meditation, hypnotherapy, five rhythms movement exercises, psychodrama, movement meditation, family constellation, art and dance. Each day is lead by the content that individuals bring to the group directed by your course director Jenny Lynn. No matter how many times you visit, each day will be a unique odyssey of activities and challenges that evolve as the day unfolds. You have the opportunity to stay present with whatever arises, like a mindfulness meditation, so that you can capture what normally escapes and take the opportunity to re-write your life script. In the moment of catharsis, trapped emotions are released from the body and you can profoundly decide a new way of being.

This being can be more vibrant, more free and more authentic. These are qualities that will enhance every area of your life and work and help you deliver your gifts to the world.

Your deeper true self holds resources you didn't know you had. Your true self knows your real worth. Let this workshop day be the start of something new and exciting for you.

Here's what one participant said:

"I expected to bring up old patterns of behaviour I wanted to shift but that nothing would probably change. I actually got some profound insights and deep understanding that I never realised was there before. I thought I understood my past but actually, I didn't. I would describe this workshop as life changing but to come without expectation and that deep ingrained behaviours may not be about what you think they are about. This work is priceless!"

For more information and to book your place go to:

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Hosted by Jenny Lynn

Jenny is a Transpersonal Therapist, Intuitive Coach, Personal Development Mentor, Trainer, Author, Speaker and Buddhist. She has lectured at home and abroad extensively. She offers leadership to her therapist colleagues inspiring them to embody the changes they seek in their clients. Her style is insightful, intuitive, authentic and challenging.