Hypnotherapy: Unlocking your potential and rewiring for success
Hypnotherapy is an increasingly recognised and respected form of therapy that has helped countless individuals overcome challenges, break free from limiting beliefs, and unlock their full potential. As a clinical hypnotherapist with years of experience working with both children and adults, I have witnessed first-hand the transformative power of hypnosis. Many people turn to hypnotherapy as a last resort after trying other methods without success, only to find that this incredible therapy provides the breakthrough they desperately need.

Despite its effectiveness, hypnotherapy is often misunderstood. My aim in this article is to dispel common myths and provide clarity on what hypnosis truly is—and what it isn’t.
What hypnosis is not
A common misconception about hypnosis is that it sends you into a deep sleep or an unconscious state. In reality, hypnosis actually awakens you to your true potential, helping you rewire your thinking so you can become the best version of yourself.
Many people worry that hypnosis is a form of mind control or that they will be made to do something against their will. This simply isn’t true. You are always in control during hypnosis—in fact, you are in a heightened state of control. Hypnotherapy is a collaborative process where the hypnotherapist acts as a guide, helping you access your subconscious mind so that you can make positive changes. You are never unconscious, nor are you at risk of being manipulated. Hypnosis is not dangerous; rather, it is a natural and safe state that allows profound transformation to take place.
What happens to your mind during hypnosis?
To understand how hypnosis works, it helps to explore the two key parts of the mind: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.
The conscious mind
This is your logical, analytical, and thinking mind. It is responsible for reasoning, decision-making, and processing information. However, when it comes to deep-seated emotions, habits, and fears, the conscious mind often struggles to create real change.
The subconscious mind
This is the feeling mind, the part of you that stores emotions, memories, and automatic behaviours. It is powerful and governs much of your behaviour, often without you even realising it. Crucially, the subconscious mind always wins over logic.
Consider someone with a fear of flying or spiders. They may rationally understand that flying is statistically one of the safest ways to travel or that most spiders are harmless, but their subconscious mind still triggers fear. Logic alone cannot override this emotional response. This is where hypnosis comes in.
How hypnosis helps you overcome fears and limitations
During hypnosis, we bypass the critical, doubting part of the mind—the part that tells you, “You can’t do this.” Instead, we communicate directly with the subconscious, where deep-rooted beliefs and emotions reside. This allows us to replace fear, doubt, and limiting beliefs with new, empowering thoughts. The subconscious mind, now receptive to positive suggestions, begins to believe, “I can do this. I am safe. I am in control.”
Hypnosis essentially rewires the brain for success, helping you adopt new, empowering patterns of thought and behaviour. Whether you want to overcome a fear, break a habit, reduce anxiety, or build confidence, hypnosis allows you to access the part of your mind where true and lasting change happens.
You are always in control
One of the most reassuring aspects of hypnosis is that you remain fully aware and in control at all times. In fact, rather than losing control, hypnosis puts you in a state of heightened focus and awareness.
A great example of this is something we’ve all experienced—driving somewhere and suddenly realising that you don’t remember part of the journey. You were on autopilot, yet you remained completely in control of the car and your surroundings. Hypnosis works in a similar way, allowing your subconscious mind to take over while you remain fully present and aware.
The sleep of the nervous system
Hypnosis is often described as “the sleep of the nervous system.” This means that while the body enters a deeply relaxed state, the mind remains alert and highly receptive to positive change. This unique state allows you to access inner resources that you may not have been able to tap into before.
By entering this relaxed but focused state, you can:
- overcome fears and phobias
- build self-confidence and self-belief
- reduce stress and anxiety
- break unwanted habits such as smoking or nail-biting
- improve sleep and overall well-being
- manage pain and physical discomfort
- There is truly nothing to fear with hypnosis and everything to gain.
Hypnotherapy: A recognised and respected therapy
Once dismissed as unconventional, hypnotherapy is now widely recognised as a highly effective form of therapy. More medical and psychological professionals are referring patients for hypnotherapy, acknowledging its ability to create lasting change. Research continues to support its effectiveness in areas such as pain management, stress reduction, and overcoming phobias.
People often seek hypnotherapy as a last resort after trying traditional methods without success. However, many wish they had tried it sooner once they experienced the profound changes it can bring. Hypnosis is not magic, but it can feel like it when long-standing fears, anxieties, or habits start to dissolve, leaving you free to live the life you truly want.
Final thoughts: Embracing the power of hypnosis
Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for personal transformation. It does not take away your control; it gives you more control. It does not send you to sleep; it wakes you up to your full potential.
If you have ever struggled with an irrational fear, a limiting belief, or a habit you just can’t break, remember that logic alone may not be enough. Hypnosis helps you rewire your subconscious mind, allowing you to embrace the belief that you can change, you can overcome challenges, and you can be the best version of yourself.
There is no need to fear hypnosis—only the opportunity to gain a life of greater confidence, control, and empowerment. If you’re ready to step into your potential, hypnotherapy could be the key to unlocking the best part of you.
"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." by Les Brown.