How to make your anxiety work for you

It’s estimated that over 8 million people are suffering from anxiety in the UK*. So, you’ll probably struggle to find an adult that hasn’t experienced it at some stage.


Normal life events such as exams or job interviews will often make us feel anxious, but this anxiety tends to be temporary and normal life resumes quite quickly. But, for some, anxiety can become really hard to control and can start to affect their everyday life. They’ll feel worried and fearful almost constantly, they will have a sense of dread that they just can’t shift and as soon as they get rid of one anxious thought another comes along.

It can be a vicious circle, you can start to shy away from seeing friends and family, and you might start to avoid work and take time off. This can then make you worry even more and impact your confidence and self-esteem.

If you think you might be experiencing anxiety, it doesn’t have to be something you let control your life. You can get back to living a healthy, happy life and be as confident and outgoing as you want to be.

The way in which we all experience anxiety, the way we react to it, and how it impacts our lives is very personal. It affects everyone differently so how you treat it needs to be personalised to you too. Think about someone close to you and what worries them. It probably doesn’t affect you in the same way. For example, your friend might feel quite anxious about meeting new people and having to make conversation, but you may be a social butterfly that really enjoys making new connections.

We all experience the world in different ways, and we’ll react to those experiences in our own way. But if you’re finding that you’re being held back by anxiety then it’s time to look for ways to overcome it.

Hypnotherapy can be an effective way to manage anxiety. There are additional benefits that you’ll experience as part of your treatment plan that could also improve other aspects of your life.

Your hypnotherapy treatment plan should include an initial consultation where you’ll be able to work with your hypnotherapist to uncover what triggers your anxious thoughts. Being aware of your triggers and getting to know yourself can have a positive impact on your self-confidence and having that self-awareness can mean you’re able to cope with certain situations better in the future.

Once you understand your triggers, you can then work with your hypnotherapist to create new thought processes. This can change the way you react to those triggers, meaning your anxiety will start to ease and you’ll feel calmer.

In addition to the new thoughts and reactions you’ll create, the hypnotherapy sessions themselves will also help to relax your mind and your body. This can then positively impact other areas of your life allowing you to be the happiest, healthiest version of yourself.

* 2013 Mental Health Foundation Anxiety Statistics 


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Hypnotherapy Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Basingstoke RG21 & Fleet GU52
Written by Jen Froggatt
Dip.Hyp MHS
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