How hypnosis can help with mental health

In recent years we have realised how important it is to look after ourselves to ensure good health and longevity. There are gyms on every High Street where you can go to maintain your fitness regardless of your abilities, with optional classes running if you prefer the company and motivation of others in a group setting. Many personal trainers will tailor a fitness regime to meet your needs at a time that suits you. There is a wide array of clothing and other apparel to ensure comfort and style for all your sporting activities, and the industry itself turns over billions of pounds every year.
The beauty industry too has experienced a massive surge in all kinds of treatments, from lotions and potions to surgical enhancements to make you look good and feel better. Many people spend thousands of pounds to maintain or improve their looks and body image.
The diet industry introduces new fad diets every year, and yet despite many ultimately failing, customers keep coming back year after year for more in their quest to lose weight and look good. Even the established diet companies that have been around a long time rely on return customers who often fall off the bandwagon at some point, as many diet plans are unsustainable long term.
For many of the above challenges, willpower wanes after a short time, and your motivation also weakens. Hypnosis can help you maintain that motivation to keep fit by establishing new behaviours that will serve you well and enable you not only to continue with your fitness programme but also to get you to enjoy it. Hypnotherapy is also a very successful method in helping you to get rid of excess weight, to keep it off, and maintain a more healthy lifestyle.
So we have established how important we feel it is to look good physically, yet often we do not give our mental health a second thought. When we feel down, we brush it aside without analysing why we feel like this, or what we could do to make a positive change. Although recently social media has been trying to increase awareness and get rid of the stigma surrounding mental health issues, there is still a very long way to go.
Many people are too embarrassed to admit they are feeling down or that their mood is low for fear of ridicule and being accused of feeling sorry for themselves. Or, they are too afraid to ask for time off work in case their employer either doesn’t believe them or indeed sees them as a liability. Few people will reveal their true mental health status when applying for a job for fear it will deter employers from giving them a start.
The majority of us will experience poor mental health at some point in our lives, whether this is the result of a bad experience or trauma to themselves or a loved one. For others, low mood caused by anxieties, stress, or depression can be a reoccurring issue and, left unaddressed long term, can have an impact on their physical health too.
Too many people, especially young men, ignore the warning signs they may be experiencing and allow their mood to drop so low they can see no way out and ultimately take their own lives, leaving behind their distraught families who had no idea they were in so much emotional pain.
When someone is in physical pain, they seek help and pain relief, and the more pain they experience the greater the pain relief they seek. However, those suffering from emotional pain tend to shut themselves off from others and are less likely to seek help as their suffering increases.
Traditionally, those who did seek help were often referred to psychiatrists and offered talking therapies which could last for years, as they were expected to talk through their issues and relive them. Hypnotherapy can help by bypassing the conscious mind and, through guided relaxation, eliminate the negative thoughts and altering the process to accept more positive suggestions, thus increasing your mental well-being. Often, the behaviours we use to protect ourselves and think are shielding us from further harm are actually what keeps us in the same loop spiralling downwards. These could include drinking alcohol or taking drugs to 'forget' your problems. These only work short term, and eventually add to the very problem you are trying to resolve.
The hypnotherapist can help you replace that inner voice that is filling your head with self-doubt and fear with positive thoughts and actions. He will guide your thoughts to a time you felt good about yourself and anchor that feeling to replace the negative emotions you may have been feeling for too long. This process may take several visits, but you should begin to feel an improvement immediately. For many people, they report back that they had a great sleep that first night, after suffering from many wakeful nights previously.
As mental health awareness thankfully increases, unfortunately, referral lists increase too, and there can be delays in being seen by the appropriate professional. Do your research and find a good hypnotherapist who can address any issues you have and improve your mental well-being today.
"The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness" - Abraham Maslow