Dealing with grief
Losing someone in our lives is a deeply personal event - one that has the potential to affect us in many ways. Whilst most of us will share the same range of emotions and reactions through our grief, this isn’t always the case.
But one thing that is certain, is that simply ignoring the pain and hoping it will go away doesn’t lessen the grief. If you keep feelings buried, it can make it a lot harder to eventually deal with the trauma and lead to deep-rooted heartache.
Of course, there is no textbook way to deal with grief, but if you are finding it difficult to deal with bereavement or loss, there are a number of things you can try to aid the grieving process.
We discuss some ways to help you process your feelings, and help you move forwards when you are ready.
Tell the story
Talking out loud can be a big healer. So often we are trapped with the thoughts inside our own heads, but it doesn’t need to be this way. Sometimes, it helps to tell someone your story - allowing you time and space to discuss loss and to think about how you really feel now - without any false pretences of being ‘fine’.
If the bereavement is a relative, it can often be difficult to turn to another family member for support - you can feel pressure to remain strong, to support them. If this is the case, or if you feel genuinely uncomfortable in talking about it to others, try writing your feelings down. Exploring your emotions in a journal or blog can be just as effective - and you can choose whether or not you share it with anyone.
Explore every emotion
It is important to grieve in your own way. Finding a way to understand your loss and processing how you are going to move forwards is a very personal thing. Whether that means laughing, crying, or screaming and shouting, you will find a way that helps yourself to heal. Try not to compare how you are coping with those around you - just because someone is coping differently to you doesn't mean they are coping any better, or worse.
A helpful task to explore a range of emotions can be to look through photographs. This can trigger both happy and sad feelings, prompting you to confront a range of emotions.
Give it some time
For some people, time can be enough to help them come to terms with their loss. There will be good days, bad days, and some days when you feel indifferent. Don’t be afraid to let people know that you’re having a bad day - whether you want to be given some time alone, or you want to take your mind away from the pain for a little while, don’t keep your feelings bottled up.
So how can hypnotherapy help with grief?
Grief is not just feeling sad - there are so many other symptoms of grief that can make life very difficult. Issues such as anxiety, insomnia and depression can arise as a result of grief. You may also experience physical symptoms of grief – loss of appetite, weight loss or weight gain, sickness, fatigue or sleeplessness.
Hypnotherapy is a popular treatment option which can give you positive suggestions to help cope with these issues - as well as many other symptoms you might be experiencing through your grief. It can reduce feelings of guilt and blame, and help you to find ways of coping in the future.
Remember, it might be hard right now, but you will get through this.