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As a smoker, you’ll know how hard it is to stop smoking and I’m right there with you as I was once a smoker, I even became a secret smoker at one poi…
With the continued legalisation of marijuana around parts of the world, more people are smoking weed than ever. However, while most medical experts c…
Stoptober runs each October, encouraging participants to stop smoking. The premise is based on evidence showing that after 28 days without a cigarett…
Are you getting married this year and thinking “If only I could stop smoking, get slimmer, enjoy the speeches on the big day?” Well, there is a solut…
What can make someone have a phobia of flying? It could be caused by a personal flying experience or somebody telling you about their experience. It…
Hurrah! The rates of smoking have been dropping in the UK! As I type Public Health England showed that from 2010 to 2016 there was a drop from 20.1…
There are many myths that surround the habit of smoking. One of them is that smoking helps reduce anxiety; indeed many smoking cessation clients say…
Smoking is like a toxic friend. One of those that pretend to care about you and help you, but actually make you feel bad about yourself, stressed and…
But what exactly is it about smoking that keeps us hooked into a habit that can last ten, twenty, thirty or more years – and for many people it’s a h…
Stopping smoking is usually thought to be a difficult and even painful process. Something to be avoided - it’s easier just to carry on with the ‘old…
Maybe you are a smoker and have again decided to quit, so somewhere in your mind you have an automatic answer to the question above. It feels like it…
Diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure are often lumped together as chronic diseases and indeed, many people have all three. The emotional t…
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