Head Together Training

Accepting new clients
Accepting new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

Accepting new clients
Accepting new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

About us

Would you like to learn in relaxed surroundings by the sea to become a professional hypnotherapist with health care professional status?

There are many courses including weekend courses in hypnotherapy available, but they do not necessarily give you healthcare professional status or the ability to join CNHC, the kite mark of excellence in Complementary therapy. For this, your course must adhere to the learning outcomes agreed in 2011 by the Hypnotherapy Regulatory Forum and CNHC.

The Headtogether practitioner course does this and can open this door for you. There is no Powerpoint presentations or whiteboards as learning is through discussion and practice in small learning groups allowing each student to develop their true potential.

This is what a previous student said:

"I learned so much about Hypnotherapy and about myself whilst on the course with Zetta. After having a break of several years away from education the relaxed atmosphere and open learning style really helped me get back into the swing and being such a fascinating subject it was a joy to learn. With guest tutors who were currently practicing and clients who offerer to be involved in the learning process, I really got an understanding of what being a Hypnotherapist involved. I loved being able to wander to the seafront to take my break for Lunch. Zetta was there after I’d qualified at the end of the phone if there was anything I was unsure about as I started practicing."

Course hours.

Dates of the course can be discussed but there are 120 face to face tuition hours with your tutors and students must complete 450 study hours in total including three case studies, research assignments and skype support sessions with your tutor.

The direct hours can be taken in ten two day blocks over a ten-month period, or seven three day blocks, dates to be discussed with the tutor and study group.
