Anglo European College of Therapeutic Hypnosis

Accepting new clients
Accepting new clients

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location_on Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1
Accepting new clients
Accepting new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

About us

At the Therapeutic Hypnosis College, we offer a range of courses, seminars, and lectures at various locations around the UK, Europe and beyond as well as offering a range of online training on hypnosis and related therapies.

These include introductory workshops and diploma hypnotherapy training for complete beginners, as well as conversion courses and advanced CPD courses for qualified and experienced hypnotherapists.

We are confident you will find something here that will further your education in the field of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis.

If you look at the logo for the  AECTH (Therapeutic Hypnosis College)  emblazoned on the pages of this site, you’ll read “Quaeram, et, cogitare censorie“ which is Latin for “Require Evidence and Think Critically” and is a firm ethos of this college.

Critical thinking and healthy scepticism are valued here and as well as being useful for any hypnotherapist, helps people to find some clarity in this field which is shrouded in myth, misconception and misinformation.

College Principal Adam Eason is a lecturer at Bournemouth University and for the Royal Society of Medicine, has had papers published in peer reviewed academic journals, is the organiser of the UK Hypnosis Convention and a PhD candidate with a strong leaning to promoting the science and academic literature supporting the field of hypnotherapy and shining light upon some of the dark recesses shrouded in myth and misinformation that is prevalent in the hypnotherapy field.

Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1
