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Do you worry about how much exercise you're getting? If you find that it's consuming your thoughts more than it should, you may have an addiction to…
Have you ever thought to ask yourself why you are a smoker? Do you have any good reasons to carry on smoking? You may tell yourself that you enjoy it…
If you are serious about giving up smoking, then you may need to consider that it's not just a physical addiction. Our brains create associations to…
Addictions are psychological or physiological impulses that keep us tied to a certain substance or behaviour, even when our compulsions become destru…
When you think about hypnotherapy, you may think about stopping smoking, losing weight, or helping with anxiety. Using it to help control high blood…
Whenever people ask me what I do for a living, my answer that I am a hypnotherapist is received generally with a mix of suspicion and curiosity. Th…
When we understand our personal health factors, we can begin to put those missing pieces together. We often examine areas of our lives and ask oursel…
Addiction, trauma, and anxiety are some of the most common issues and problems faced by people in today's busy, stressful and challenging society. An…
When it comes to addictions, the general public normally assumes addicts fall broadly under one of the falling categories - drugs, alcohol or gamblin…
Are you becoming vague, fatigued, unfocused, irritable, forgetful, lonely, or having a short attention span? These are just a few of the effects of…
Self-awareness is a huge advantage when it comes to identifying your own self-sabotaging behaviours, and understanding the ways you're being self-des…
Cocaine addiction is something very hard to combat. Years upon years of snorting can certainly not go into nothingness all of a sudden. Even in a reh…
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