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Phobias can be one of the most traumatising experiences a person can ever go through. You have an unreasonable fear of something, and you’ll do anyth…
Dental pain and a fear of going to the dentist may not be a great combination; if only there was something you could do to help with the fear of goin…
If you suffer from ailurophobia or a fear of cats, then there is a safe, effective treatment available just for you. Hypnosis has been used to addres…
Enochlophobia, or the fear of crowds, is known by several names including Demphobia and Ochlophobia. Just as the name implies, this phobia comprises…
We are all born with a natural instinct to be fearful of loud noises and falling. This is nature’s way of protecting us. However, over time we can d…
The year 2018 is coincidentally the year of the dog. In accordance with the Chinese new year, the celebration is ought to mark the human-dog relation…
Hypnotherapy can be a life-changing therapy for many, with some people experiencing instant change whilst others notice a subtle difference over the…
The biggest regrets in life are the chances people do not take because of their fears or phobias. All too often, fear has stopped people from living…
Do you suffer from a phobia about Christmas? The technical name is (christougenniatikophobia is the fear of Christmas) That is one long-winded titl…
I know from personal experience how stressful Christmas can be for many people particularly busy and or working mums who have to cram everything into…
It’s normal to feel a level of nerves or to get a little anxious at times, maybe when preparing for a special event or exam or when entering into unf…
We are a nation of animal lovers in general, but dogs? They are top of the list! There are so many varieties now from micro dogs that you can fit i…
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