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You have been seeing your therapist for a while now, you enjoy the sessions. In fact, it is more than enjoy, they feel indulgent and you walk out of…
Have you ever felt that you are just going through the motions in your work, that you aren't deriving any enjoyment from it? Perhaps you feel that yo…
I’d planned a route for my run and was three-quarters of the way through, feeling I was doing pretty well. “I don’t even need to stop for a rest”, I…
Have you noticed that you spend too much time on social media? Or noticing it having a negative mental effect on you? According to We Are Social and…
Having suffered from anxiety and depression for most of my childhood and early adult years due to co-dependency issues and a challenging relationship…
Although life is slowly returning to normal and things are getting back on track, it still doesn't mean that everyone is ok. You might be feeling tha…
COVID-19 anxiety COVID-19, an unprecedented global pandemic, has had an enormous effect on virtually everybody’s life. From people not being able t…
Depression is something that most people experience at some point in their life. It can vary in degree, from mild or moderate depression through to p…
Over the past year or so I have seen many clients who have presented with various different anxiety issues, and when we have looked further into it t…
Are you having suicidal thoughts? Know that you are loved and you are not alone in this. With the right support, these feelings can go away and you c…
What is depression? Depression is classified as a mood disorder. Depression is much more than feeling unhappy, sad, or down for a couple of days. M…
Why do we find it so hard to admit to being lonely? We shy away from admitting it, even to our friends, and there can be shame attached to it. We pre…
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