Does the fear of being judged hold you back?
What do others think about you? The short answer is that it's none of your business.
Wondering how people will perceive you, your actions even your words can become so consuming in your thoughts that you just stop saying what you want to say and doing what you want to do. Limiting yourself for fear of judgement. And that can be the small things like what to wear, raising your hand on teams with a question or suggestion, to not following your dreams in fear of other's judgement.
A good way to change your perception of being judged is to close your eyes, imagine all of the bones in your body, imagine how they all link together, protecting your organs, everything perfectly in its place. Get a sense of the structure of your body from the inside out. Take a moment to really scan your entire body from the bones of the foot up to the skull protecting your brain.
Then within the skull imagine or get a sense of the brain, the mind, the epicentre of your entire being. This part of you is the most important and profound part of you. And your mind is the one thing that makes you different from every other human being on the planet, every single one. Out-with the bones and organs, the mind is the difference.
And within your mind are all your beliefs and values, built up over a lifetime of experience, positive and negative; shaping how you see the world. Perhaps beliefs and values impressed upon you from parents, grandparents, teachers, friend groups and peers during the formative years of your life.
Beliefs are ideas that you hold to be true and values that resonate with beliefs that are important to you. Your values and beliefs shape your thoughts and emotions which influence your attitude and behaviours. Your attitudes reflect how you react to others and approach situations and how you act is your behaviour, both driven by your thoughts and emotions.
And every day you use these values and beliefs to judge and measure experiences, people, reactions, emotions, language etc through your perception of the world.
So your perception and interpretation of the world around you is yours and yours alone, different from your partner, friends, family, colleagues, or person who works in the coffee shop!
So if others are making judgements on you, then it's on their interpretation of the world around them, there is no way you could know if their values and beliefs are even a true reflection of how things really are. So why does their judgement affect you? After all, they are just another structure of bones, protecting their organs with their own mind.
Hypnotherapy can help revise some of the values and beliefs you hold about yourself that you no longer find to be true, values and beliefs about yourself or the world around you that were impressed upon you by others or perhaps experiences which have negatively programmed you to believe something that's no longer true. Do you still believe everything that your believed as child to be true now with the wisdom and experience as an adult?
What would you do if you were free of other people's judgment?
Maybe it's time to find out.