Understanding bereavement and grief

call 07470 111 303 07470 111 303
calendar_today 22nd October 2024, 10.00am - 1.00pm
person Open to all
universal_currency_alt £50 per person
location_on Online

Bereavement and grief are topics that many people feel unprepared to talk about. It can be very difficult to know what to say to someone who is going through this extremely tough period in their life.

Despite our best wishes, we can end up causing more harm than good if we do not know what to say. Sometimes, even the most well-intended comments and conversations won't help the grieving person.

This course is important for everyone, as bereavement and grief will always be present in our life, our client’s lives, and the lives of those close to us.

In this course, we will cover topics that many people may not have touched on before. We'll look at how we can understand death within our own lives, and how we can support other people who need our help during this difficult period. We'll also look at what we should avoid doing which could cause more unnecessary suffering and harm.

About the course

The following topics will be covered:

  • what are ‘bereavement’ and ‘grief’?
  • beliefs held about ‘death’ and ‘dying’
  • the process of dying.
  • stages of grief and ‘complicated grief’
  • depression related to grief and bereavement
  • how to help others after bereavement and grief
  • support organisations and signposting
  • adjusting to violent death
  • acceptance, surrender and ‘letting go’
  • understanding our own boundaries in helping others

Book your place

To book on to this course, please click here. 

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Hosted by George Whitaker

Hello, I'm George Whitaker, based in Swansea, South Wales. Throughout my life I’ve had an interest in Psychology and the way the mind works. This led me to studying a degree in Psychology at the University of Reading. Following this, I completed my Hypnotherapy training with CPHT in Bristol in 2021. I hope to see you on a course very soon!