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Supporting long-term health conditions & pain management CPD
The aim of this CPD is to provide practitioners with a sound understanding of how to work with clients suffering from long-term, chronic and complex health conditions using the solution-focused approach. It includes additions to the initial consultation and what to say in revision during sessions.
According to the DoH Over 15 million people in the UK struggle with long-term, chronic and complex health conditions, noting that one of the most important factors in successful management of these conditions is the patient themselves. Solution-focused hypnotherapy can empower clients to manage their conditions and re-create a life of meaning and enjoyment.
This CPD will cover in-depth:
- Understanding common complex health conditions, including hyper-mobility conditions and long covid.
- Not your normal ‘chronic pain’ clients and why.
- Understanding client symptomatology.
- Pain revision and the three Ps for chronic and complex condition clients.
- Basic pacing for you and your clients.
- Distraction techniques for the brain and the body.
- What you can add to your I/C and revision sessions.
- What we can teach clients about their brains.
- Positive activities/interactions with complex health conditions.
- Marketing/gaining new clients.
Melanie: This is an incredible course and I cannot recommend it highly enough. Kim is knowledgeable and passionate and explains everything really clearly from her experience both as a solution-focused hypnotherapist and as an expert patient. She gave us a really clear understanding of how these conditions may affect daily life, and lots of ideas, teaching us how we can help people living with complex medical conditions more effectively through hypnotherapy, which I’m looking forward to putting into practice straight away. Thanks, Kim!
Tracy: I found it interesting from a HCP perspective hearing from an expert patient who has trained in SFH and how utilised in practice, Useful revision. Fab networking and sharing ideas in breakout sessions. Kim facilitated the session extremely well to cover complex topics.
Denise: BRILLIANT! Interesting and informative teaching. Just what I needed to give me adequate tools, detailed information, capability and probably even more so, insight from both directions. Cannot wait to get put to practice.
Lesley: The course was amazing! lots of information given in a clear, easy to understand way, lots of interaction and exercises to help our understanding too. Kim clearly knows and understands this situation and is able to give personal insight too, which helped me with the “wider picture” I feared some of the information would be “over my head” but Kim ensured everyone understood and answered questions as they arose. She also gave us a lot of “tools” to use. Doing this course has increased my confidence in the use of SFH for complex health conditions. Thank you
Gabriella: Amazing course, learned so much. Kim is fantastic.
About the presenter
Kim Clayden
Kim is a CPHT graduate specialising in Pain Management. She guest lecturers pain management on the HPD course and has used the solution-focused approach to manage her own and her clients' long-term, chronic and pain conditions. She is hEDS & PoTs expert patient.
You’ll find her working online from her beautiful floating therapy room as well as speaking to support groups and professionals about how the solution-focused approach can help give back control and enjoyment to chronic, long term and pain clients.
To book your place on this CPD, and browse other CPD events, please visit our CPHT CPD Programme page.
NB: This CPD event is for qualified hypnotherapists only.
CPHT offers its Graduates a wide range of Solution Focused Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Courses to continue to build their knowledge after graduation or specialise in their chosen field. For more information about our CPDs please visit CPHT CPDs