Obsessive compulsive disorder – Understanding the complex drivers

call 07958 689 377 07958 689 377
calendar_today 11th February 2025, 5.00pm - 8.00pm
person Open to all
universal_currency_alt Discounted rate of £99 for members of the NCH & GHR (Standard Rate £109)
location_on Online

OCD is a complex and challenging condition that can reduce the confidence and self-esteem of those who live with it. Those living with the condition explain that cognitive intrusions and compulsions take up significant amounts of time in their day leading to higher stress and anxiety and a feeling that their core being is being affected by them. 

This half-day course will provide you with an understanding of what OCD is, its impacts on client’s lives, how it is linked to their value systems, the link between ‘magical thinking’ and fears and anxieties within OCD and the types of OCD.

This course is for practitioners who work with clients with anxiety, or those who want to expand their sphere of understanding around a variety of anxiety conditions. 

In the workshop you will learn:

  • The types of OCD and the ways that they can express themselves,
  • The basic neuro-anatomy which is affected by OCD,
  • How ruminations and compulsions affect clients and the meanings that they attach to them,
  • How the values of clients are central to explore, to understand why OCD ruminations take a certain theme,
  • How to use Exposure and Response plans to affect both ruminations and compulsions,
  • About reducing the stigmatization around difficult and challenging thoughts that clients bring, whilst normalising some of their experiences,
  • How techniques around building self-esteem and self-confidence also underpin part of the therapeutic process for clients with OCD.

About your tutor

Fiyaz Mughal OBE is a qualified counsellor and hypnotherapist and also holds a degree in Neuroscience. He merges his understanding of neuroscience, with practical ways that therapists can work on complex conditions like OCD and he specialises in anxiety conditions through his practice – Counselling4Anxiety. He has a number of articles on anxiety conditions that he regularly produces.

 Learn more and book at Gold Leaf Training.

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Hosted by Clem Turner

Qualified therapists Clem Turner and his wife Margaret have been running CPD Training Courses & Workshops since 2009. They now have a dedicated website for their CPD Training and have many different courses to choose from. They also have a new partner in Dante Harker who has been a tutor and friend for many years. www.goldleaftraining.com